Kai innocently asked: " Do blazing monkeys also throw stones? "
" No this is the first time I've heard it, beast at their levels are stupid and even among them, the blazing monkey are even more stupid, they wouldn't think of using stone or anything like that, so they fight with their bodies alone. " Emily said, showing her knowledge about the beasts.
" Wait they are dragging someone, huh he is the one who is most hurt out of them all, how is he even alive? " Someone said, and everyone looked at the guards and really saw that two young guards were dragging a boy behind them.
Kai immediately recognised him, it was the guard whose head was smashed by the stone he threw.
But even so, Kai wasn't much worried, even if he was rich it wouldn't be like his family would come here to start trouble, and it was the blazing monkey's fault that he got hurt.
" Huh, isn't he Lee? He is Rojas's son, right? " One of the old men standing closer to the guards shouted with an expression of horror.
" Oh no, I think it's Lee, he got injured here!! What should we do now? " The expression of all the people who heard it began to change.
" What's wrong? " Kai asked, tilting his face in confusion.
Cindy walked closer and then pinched his cheeks lightly but she Instantly let go when she received a stare from Emily, then with a sigh she replied:
" Rojas family is on the the rich families around our village, his family have affiliation with the branch family of a low-level noble family, so among all the rich families around here he is the most arrogant and do whatever he wants, he even acts as if he is the king of our Arom village. "
Then with an expression that marched with the rest of the neighbours, she added: " That Rojas man is very cruel, there was one time when he came here with his three years old son, and while walking that kid stumbled upon a stone and fell on the road, his knee was scratched a little.
Then that Rojas killed the man who was responsible for the protection of his son and he even tortured several people from our village who had seen him fall and laughed accidentally. "
When Cindy finished, Kai sighed in his heart it seemed there were always people like that, whether it be his old world or new world, those who would always try to oppress anyone who was weaker than them.
But Kai was also confused so he asked: " Then why do all those rich families send them here in such dangerous fights? "
Now Cindy was surprised to see such intelligence in a kid who isn't even five yet, but she still answered:
" Those families want their kids to enter into the branch family of the low-level noble family, so they need to be trained by the guards here. "
With a frown on her slightly wrinkled face, she added: " There are a limited number of guards to protect this village, so Rojas can't do anything to them or he might anger the branch family, so he is probably going to take his anger out on any of us.
So don't come out of the house for the next few days, the distance from here to Rojas's house is about one day so he will probably be here on the day after tomorrow. "
Kai nodded solemnly and cursed his luck internally while wondering if this was what one call digging your own grave, it would have been fine if he decided not to throw the stone, but he isn't someone who would keep regretting his decision instead he would just face the consequences head-on.
" Don't worry, no one can touch my baby as long as I'm here. " Emily said, a dazzling smile appearing on her face that was enough to relax anyone completely.
" Anyway, you won't believe what happened today? " Emily suddenly said with a proud smile.
Cindy finally turned her head away from the guards and looked at her with a questioning gaze while saying: " Tell me what happened? "
" Today Leo cooked breakfast for me and it was really good, hehe my Leo is really a genius. " She said, smiling ear to ear.
" He did? He isn't even five yet, wow you are really lucky to have such a smart and cute kid, I wish my 20-year-old waste for a son could be half as good as him. "
While saying this Cindy turned to look at her son, who had a slightly dark complexion, and was 5 feet tall, he stayed home all the time and barely ever helped his father with his work.
" Haa Anyway, stay inside your house for the next few days, your family also have a high chance of getting in trouble. " Cindy said, Emily nodded she could understand why she had said that.
After all, their family consist of three weak people in which the husband is out of the house most of the time, the son is still too young and can't do anything, and the wife is so beautiful but weak, that she can barely walk by herself.
Also, all the other families were working there either as farmers or labour workers, and since the number of people is limited in Arom village Rojas wouldn't want to harm them too much, thus Ron and Emily's family is the perfect target to set an example for everyone and also instil fear in the hearts of all people and guards.
" I'll be careful. " Emily said pulling Kai closer to her, just for a moment her expression turned chilly before returning to normal.