
While they were busy with each other, their attention was soon shifted to the outside when they all heard some kind of noise from outside, after a few seconds it became clear that it was the sound of the footsteps of horses.

" I think it must be Rojas and the people from his family, they are finally here. " Ron mumbled, his expression suddenly turning sour.

Everything stayed silent for a few minutes outside without any movements, then all of a sudden a loud shout rang out, making all the people in different houses tremble in fear.

" All you you come outside, right this instant. " These words were said only one time and weren't repeated, but the doors of any of the houses there didn't open, they were all too afraid to even peek outside.


Just when they were beginning to relax, many of them heard a banging sound on their front doors which was accompanied by all kinds of threats.

" Open the door right now, or we are going to break it and enter, and believe me that is going to become much more messy. "

Ron's house was at the 5th position from the right, so it took a few minutes before Ron, Emily and Kai also heard the banging and the threats.

Looking back for a few seconds Ron took a deep breath and walked towards the door, he wasn't a fighter so he was a little afraid but still, he opened the door and looked at the tall burly man, without showing any fear.

" Come outside... Everyone. " The tall man said in an ordering tone as he peeked inside, and seemed surprised when he saw Emily, she was easily the most beautiful woman in the entire village.

Ron took a step forward and closed the door behind him, saying: " She is sick and can't stand, I'll go outside. "

But the tall man in front of him wasn't in any mood to let him off easily, he pushed Ron back and shouted: "Everyone. needs. to. come. out. Which part of it can't you understand, and if she can't stand then I can give her a hand keke? "

There was lust in the eyes of the man as he spoke those words, he was even waving his hands in the air as if he was already touching Emily in his mind.

Just as Ron was about to punch the guard the door to the room opened, Emily was standing with the help of her cane and Kai.

She looked at the tall man with a chilly expression, and for some reason, the man suddenly felt as if hundreds of sharp needles were piercing his skin.

The smile instantly vanished from his face, as he took a couple of unsteady steps back and then slowly went to other houses, he didn't even have the courage to take a single glance back at her.

" Emi, you shouldn't walk- " Ron was worried as he stepped towards her and wanted to pull her towards the bed, but she stopped him while saying:

" I'm fine, this much movement isn't a problem, and my Leo is helping me. " While speaking she gently caressed his head and gazed at him lovingly, Ron nodded and the three of them stayed at the entrance of the house while observing the scene outside.

Their neighbours were also coming out, with terrified expressions on their faces, in less than ten minutes everyone was standing outside their houses, looking at a single person with dreadful eyes.

Rojas, a man in his early fifties, had a fit and muscular body there were several scars all over his face, his long white hair was painted red by blood, there were around twenty men who were standing behind him, while five guards were lying beside his feet, all injured but without any bone injuries.

" Everyone is out. " One of the men bowed before Rojas and spoke, the twenty men were all standing in four separate lines, it also depicted that they were all trained soldiers.

" You all must be aware that my second son got injured while fighting with some blazing monkey, but according to the news I have just received, it was found that a stone was thrown by someone which hit the head of my son, who was busy fighting against the beasts.

It would be better for all of you if you admitted your crimes before I found out about it myself. " While he spoke, he moved his gaze over all of the people standing there, and while he was looking his gaze stayed on Emily for a little longer than others.

Kai and Ron were clearly able to notice this, and in that instant, Kai was able to see surprise and lust in his eyes, as the people in power they have information about all the people living in this village, but Rojas didn't know that someone as beautiful as Emily lived there, after all warriors from outside seldom come there.

"..." The place stayed silent for a few minutes, with an extremely tense environment, Rojas stayed still during that time while observing all of the people there, since Ron had stepped forward, Rojas no longer was able to see Emily.

Even after many minutes had passed, not a single person stepped forward and stayed at their positions with their heads tilted down.

" Ha! So none of you are going to answer huh, if it wasn't for the orders, I would have killed all of you. " He shouted with a clenched fist, while the last words were nothing more than a murmur.
