Setting the stage

All the men were so drunk that they barely knew what they were doing, Kai sneakily walked towards one of the unconscious men and without anyone noticing he pulled out the sword that hung on the sleeping man's waist leaving the scabbard behind, then he disappeared into the darkness of the night.

Although Kai didn't want to do this but currently he didn't have any other choice, with a resolute expression on his face he walked towards the house of one of the guards who had been injured by Rojas during the daytime, and entered his house secretly through the window.

Opening the gate from inside, Kai silently walked towards the room of the injured guard, it was a man who seemed to be in his late fifties and lived alone, he was working here as a mercenary and was paid by the branch family of the low level nobles to work here as a guard.

Without making any sound he approached the sleeping guard, for a few seconds Kai silently stared at his face as if registering the features of this man deep in his heart, then with the sharp sword in his hand, Kai placed the tip of the sword over the man's chest, and without any hesitation, he pushed the sword directly into the heart of the sleeping guard, giving him an instant death.

There was no sound, Kai didn't take out the sword from the guard's body, since that would make the blood to splatter all around, instead, he first began to arrange the room in a way that it would seem like there had been a fight inside the room.

Kai's current strength could be compared to a healthy fifteen years old boy, after he was done with everything, he walks towards the corpse and then lays it in an awkward position such that anyone who saw the scene would think that this guard fell on the bed after his heart was pierced.

After he removed any of the traces that could indicate his presence in the room, Kai observed everything with a relaxed mind, it was the first time that he had killed someone in this world, yet his mind was completely still without an ounce of ripple.

After making sure that nothing was wrong, he walked out of the house and towards the guards from which he had taken the sword earlier, the two men were still there, lying unconscious.

None of the other men were paying any attention to them, after all, they were all busy drinking and forcing themselves onto the women who couldn't fight back and it was already quite dark.

Kai silently approached the two sleeping men, even though he was walking over sand, he wasn't leaving any footprints doing such things was a piece of cake for him, he had assassinated countless men in situations much worse than this.

After appearing behind the two, the first thing he did was to press the acupoints, so that both of them wouldn't be able to move their limbs for the next twelve or so hours and neither would they wake up, even if someone is yelling beside them.

' Haa this is going to be a bit difficult. ' Kai thought, and after taking in a deep breath he held one of the men and began to drag him towards the house of the dead guard.

Even though his body is stronger than anyone of his age, but dragging a man who weighed more than 80 kg was still a very laborious task.

While avoiding getting seen by anyone, Kai dragged the drunk man into the guard's house and then lay him on the floor, then after his breathing became normal, he took the sword of the dead guard from his house and slashed the bodies of both the men at several places.

He looked around the house and saw some books, walking closer to them he checked them all quickly, most books weren't of interest to him but one book caught his eye, so Kai decided to take it with him and then he arranged the other books as they were earlier.

After making some more changes across the room, he walks out of the house and then removes the marks that had been created earlier from the ground after which he hides the book into one of the bushes near someone else's house in a manner that it would be almost impossible to see it.

Then with a grim expression he walks towards the house of another guard, despite doing all that, there wasn't a single trace of blood on his body or clothes.

After walking into the house, he didn't even glance at the guard and directly went to take the knife that he found hanging on the wall, unshealting the knife, Kai made sure that this knife was sharp enough to do his bidding.

He picked up a towel, and then drenched it completely in water, before leaving the room he took one more cloth and placed it around his body such that no blood would be sprayed on his clothes while doing the things he was about to do.

Then without disturbing the room, he walks out and directly heads towards a burly looking man who was furiously trying to break the door of one of the houses.

He was trying to break into the house and from inside the sobs and cries of a woman were clearly audible, it was the tall burly man who had looked at Emily with a disgusting look and even had the audacity to make dirty gestures.

The drunk man was so busy in trying to enter the house to rape a woman that he didn't even notice the small kid that had approached him from behind.
