
Without any further thoughts, Kai returned to his bed and closed his eyes, he hadn't alerted his parents about any of the events that had just taken place, he knew that the morning was going to be extremely lively, but this event also reminded him of the fact that unless he has the strength to protect himself and his family, this world wouldn't let him have peace. 

Calming his mind down, Kai fell asleep he had thought of almost all of the possibilities that could create a problem and had already created enough proof, unless someone who is a top level assassin came and observed this scene himself, no one else would be able to find anything wrong with it.


" Aaaaaaaaaaah T- There's a b- body, kyaaaa... "

In the morning, just as Kai had expected the first thing he heard was the loud scream of someone from their village, his plan had begun so Kai immediately opened his eyes and sat up.

He looked to the side and then saw that Emily had also woken up and he could also hear Ron's voice, rubbing his eyes Kai spoke: " Someone is screaming. "

Emily sat up with some efforts and within seconds Ron also came into the room, both of them had tense expressions on their faces they were both thinking that Rojas had probably already started torturing someone. 

" I think we should go outside to check. " Emily spoke, Ron nodded and both of them began to walk towards the door while Kai silently followed behind them, by now they could already hear several loud shouts coming from outside.

Ron picked up a stick and looked at Emily, then he opened the door slowly while keeping Emily behind him and when he saw the scene outside he couldn't understand anything so he walked out of the door and towards the main gate, after crossing the lawn Ron saw a crowd gathering over two places.

Cindy was also standing on the small lawn of her house, Ron walked outside the gate while Emily got closer to Cindy and asked: " What's going on? Is that Rojas torturing someone? " 

Cindy shook her head and began to speak in a low tone, as if she was afraid that someone might hear her words: " No, I think Rojas is in big trouble this time. " Cindy said and then paused, creating a dramatic effect.

" What happened? " Emily asked curiously, while Kai stood behind her and kept glancing towards the scenes of the crime.

" You know Hari right? So this morning when he was going to check his field he saw the dead body of a man who came here with Rojas. " Cindy spoke in a whisper.

" What?!! " Emily exclaimed in surprise, but after thinking for a few seconds she still couldn't understand something, so she asked: " Even if one of his men was killed, how is he in any kind of trouble? "

Cindy nodded with a smile as if she was already expecting this question to arrive. " But that's not all, we also found that one of Rojas's men first killed his own friend after drinking too much and then he killed one of the guards it looks as if a fight broke out between them, but the guard was just too injured and so he died in the end. "

Cindy spoke, although she also wasn't happy about the death of one of the guards of their Village but the fact that Rojas is in trouble now made everyone sigh in relief. 

" And I don't think you should go outside to see the dead body, seriously, it looks like the work of a psychopath, ughh now I won't be able to eat for few days without remembering that scene. " Cindy warned, Emily just nodded and held Kai's hand.

No one saw Rojas's face after that, he had left in a hurry along with all his men, that one drunk man was captured by him and Rojas was probably planning to use him as a scape - goat.

The word about the brutal death of that fallen man also began to spread among the village, his body's condition was so bad that no one was able to look at it for more than a second.

For a couple of days the lives of people from Arom village was filled with fear that Rojas might come back to start trouble again but much to their relief he didn't appear again, he was already busy in saving his own skin since he went directly against the words of the branch family. 

In these few days, Kai peacefully trained and the speed of his absorption and energy channelling has increased by several times, now he no longer has to settle for just a few particles of energy and can train continuously for many hours.

An entire week passed peacefully, the lives of all the people in the Arom village were returning to normal, but since a guard had died the load on the remaining ones had increased by quite a lot.

In less than seven days, a new guard was sent to the Arom village as a replacement by the branch family, meanwhile all kinds of rumours were travelling around the village.

Some mentioned that Rojas was hanged upside down by the branch family and then flogged more than a hundred times, some mentioned that he had to run in the city completely naked, the more rumours that spread the more wild they became.

But it was confirmed that the man whom Kai had dragged into the house of the dead guard, was killed in a very horrific way along with his older brother who was his only family, while all the other men who had accompanied Rojas to this village were all punished heavily.
