Most loyal

" Wait!! Let's us handle this, we will take Hans in custody and give him appropriate punishment, so for now you should all return to your houses. I'll inform you soon about the actions we have taken against him. "

One of the guard spoke as he stopped the pair of husband and wife from entering the house.

" But I'm sure he will do it again if we just leave him lik-" the wife spoke and seemed very angry, but she was interrupted by the guard.

" And just beating him now will stop him from doing anything like that in the future? We have all seen him getting beaten up so many times, but he still is the same so let's handle the situation this time. I promise that you will be satisfied with the punishment. " The guard said resolutely.

Although the husband and wife seemed reluctant but after a few seconds they decided to let the guards take care of it, so along with the others they walked away while cursing the dead Hans.

Kai observed the guards for a while and from their actions he understood that Hans was dead, soon everyone dispersed and the guards pretended to talk to Hans and after everyone had left they too walked away while mutterings something among themselves.

' They sure are good actors, if only they had trained with such dedication, anyway it's good that Hans is dead. ' thinking so Kai walked into the house after saying goodbye to Cindy.

She asked to cook for them since Ron was away but Kai refused and told her that he could cook just fine, and when he walked into the house he saw that Emily was still asleep, sighing he sat beside her for a few minutes and then went to freshen up and prepare food for both of them.

In less than an hour he cooked a couple of simple dishes and placed them on the table, then he tried to wake Emily up but even when he lightly shook her shoulder she was not waking up, it would not be long before the time when she fell into a state of constant sleep and maybe she might never be able to recover from that.

Kai sat beside her he tried to train but he just could not stop himself from worrying about her, a few more hours had passed and only then did she began to open her eyes, Kai instantly stood up and looked at her with a smile.

" Mommy you are finally awake, the food I prepared is already cold, wash up and let's eat together. " He said and got closer to her then he helped her sit up.

" Huh? What time is it? " Emily asked, she sat up and then pushed open the window.

" It's already noon, you are becoming a sleepy head haha " Kai joked while helping her to stand up, Emily also smiled then she got into the bathroom while using her cane.

Meanwhile, Kai went back into the kitchen and again heated up the food before placing them back on the table, after she came out they sat together and began to eat the food.

" I wonder if Ron will be able to come back home today or maybe he will come tomorrow. " Emily mumbled, each time he goes out she is always worried about him.

" I'm sure Dad will be fine, but... he is so handsome what if someone else takes him? " Kai spoke and then laughed lightly.

" Then I'll go there and take him back, though Ron, he is the most loyal man I have seen in my life. " Emily spoke while remembering incidents from the past as a beautiful smile appeared on her face.

" You are wrong. " Kai spoke with a shake of his head, while Emily looked at him in confusion as she asked:

" Hmm, what do you mean by that? Do you think your dad is not loyal? "

" I don't mean that, but I'm saying that I'm the most loyal, I won't ever leave you. " Kai replied with a smile.

" Hahaha Sure sure, you are the most loyal. " Emily shuffled his hair and burst out laughing.

Kai stayed silent for a few seconds as he stared at his food, then he looked at his mother and asked:

" Mommy, can you tell me about your and dad's family? " Kai has never before asked anything like that, the only info he got about their families was while listening to their conversations.

Emily's laugh immediately halted, just thinking about her family placed a frown on her beautiful pale face, she ate a few more spoons of the food and then asked: " What do you want to know about? "

" Anything, please mommy. " Kai instantly replied while trying to act cute in front of her, since this always seemed to work on his parents.

" Haa fine, but this is the only time. " Emily said and decided to tell him a few things.

" Okay. " Saying so Kai finished his food and pushed the plate to the side, he glanced at Emily's plate and saw that her food was almost finished too.

' She was not able to notice the fruit I had added to it. ' he thought, Kai had expected this since because of her condition it was almost impossible for her to sense energy properly even inside her body, now he only hoped that it could help her.

After finishing her food, Emily began to tell him about her family: " Originally I used to live at a place very far away from here, I am from the... from the Lopez family you might not understand but it is a Middle class noble family, its name alone is enough to shake up dozen of low class nobles. " While speaking the name of her family she seemed somewhat angry.
