
' One down, wait I might be able to find some money from their bodies. ' Kai thought, he decided to kill them all and then rob then.

He activated his Toot bat ability and looked for the location of all the men from around, Kai especially avoided going near the leader and decided to deal with him at the end, then he began to travel over the abandoned buildings silently.

Within seconds he found two men walking into an alley, they too had not taken their weapons out and looked as if they were just taking a walk, Kai positioned himself and while the two men were busy chatting with each other he pounced over one of them from the top.

" I don't know why is he making us all work so much for just one kid, I mean he could have just- ughh " While he was speaking, Kai directly plunged his knife into the head of the man, as it directly destroyed his brain.