Fat and Thin

" By the traps you set up most of the men were injured who came to your room earlier and next time you need to pay me extra since I threw them away for you. " Bobbie spoke.

Kai had felt earlier that whoever it may be, they would definitely try to use this chance to do something, just thinking about this made the rage inside Kai to erupt but right now it was not the time for that.

" Thank... You... " He spoke, then just as Kai had asked Bobbie helped him to get on the carriage after putting a few bandages around his body and placing a black robe around him which covered him completely.

" Have a safe trip and make sure to return so that I can get my fees, also since you are going out remember to bring some good wine for me. "

Bobbie spoke as the carriage moved away, he waved his hand even though Kai could not even see him, and then he walked back in front of Kai's room and stood there with his hand folded.