Frey Lopez

Along with the others, Zephyr was also sitting there on a chair, and his body was in a really bad shape.

In the middle of the training area and the center of attraction, Rory Lopez was also there training against the guards, while others just looked at her from some distance.

Kai stopped at the entrance of the training area. It was an open place with a boundary surrounding it; even from so far away, he could sense trouble from that beautiful girl.

"Wait." But it seemed he was a bit too late as Rory had already noticed his presence. Kai stopped moving and looked back at her without speaking anything.

"I have never seen you around, who are you?" she asked. Rory was holding a sword in her hands, though it was not too sharp.

Before Kai had the chance to speak, Zephyr jumped into the conversation and began to explain: "He is Leo, the cousin I have told you about before. He is quite talented at taking hits; we used to train along with him before."