His Motives Are Not Pure

Curious, she advanced cautiously. The sound became more pronounced as she approached the row of male stalls where the sound seemed to be coming from.

She placed her ear on the stall where the sound was more pronounced and it sounded more like a child's whimper.

Without hesitation, she turned the door handle several times but it didn't bulge.

She quickly bent down to peer beneath the stall door and two large pairs of frightened ocean blue eyes stared at her from under the opening and her soft heart couldn't help but go out to the frightened child

"Don't be scared dear," she said softly. "I'll get you out, OK?"

Without wasting time, she stood to her feet and sprang into action as she reached into her hair and withdrew a hairpin.

Carefully inserting it into the lock, she wiggled it expertly, her fingers moving with practiced precision.

A few tense moments passed before the lock finally clicked, and with a gentle push, the door swung open.

Huddled on the floor was a young boy of about five years or so, his angelic face streaking with tears.

"Hey there, are you okay?" Grace asked gently, kneeling down beside the child.

She coaxed the child to calm down before carrying him to the waiting area but before she got there, she saw a tall man in black suit and tie who was looking around frantically, probably in search of the child.

As soon as he saw them, or more specifically, the child, he let out a deep sigh of relief and rushed over.

He stretched out his arms to the child but the child turned his face away, burying it deeper into Grace's embrace at the same time holding tightly onto her.

Stunned, Grace looked at the child who was obviously rejecting the man and couldn't help but cast a suspicious look at the man.

"Young Master, you have to listen to me and come here immediately," Russell pleaded or more like ordered, as interpreted by Grace.

"Are you sure you are well acquainted with the boy?"

"Who are you and what makes you think you can ask me such a stupid question?" The man flung back coldly.

Grace rolled her eyes and muttered a quiet 'tsk!' under her breath. 'What sort of attitude is that from a mere servant to a rich kid?'

"Who I am is not important here. What matters is that the child doesn't want to go with you," Grace retorted.

She was not the type to be disrespectful but she was also not the type to fold her arms and allow others to step all over her.

She had learnt that quite early from her dealings with her evil stepfather.

"I don't know who you are, but it is obvious you are new here. So I'm warning you, hand over the young master now or be ready to bear the consequences?" The man threatened.

"What consequences? It is obvious you don't have any good intentions, if not, why would a sweet little boy like this have such a bad relationship with you, his so-called old servant?"

Russell was taken aback. "Old servant?"

"If he is the young master, doesn't that make you his servant?" Grace analyzed in a mocking tone.

Russell's face turned sour in an instant. He has never felt so humiliated in his entire life? He was just thirty, for crying out loud. How does that make him old? She even referred to him as a servant. Such nerve!

If not for the sake of the young master in her arms, she would have been standing with at least a loose arm by now.

But then, he couldn't help but wonder why the young master was suddenly so comfortable in her arms even though she was apparently a stranger as he had never seen her before.

He forced himself to stay rational and started in a tone he considered his calmest.

"I am …"

"What is going on here?" A voice interrupted from the hallway.

They both turned in the direction of the voice and Grace's eyes gradually widened at the specimen that had appeared.

She was not someone that was hung up on handsome men but she could say that the one standing not far from them would best be described as beautiful.

He was extremely handsome and his dark hair tousled in a way that suggested effortless style. But what drew her in was his piercing hazel orbs that seemed to hold a world of depth and mystery within them.

His demeanor was relaxed yet confident, and there was an undeniable magnetism about him that left Grace momentarily breathless.

With an easy smile, the man sauntered towards them, exuding a boyish charm that was impossible to ignore.

"What's up, Pumpkin?" Caden asked his little nephew who was shockingly nestled comfortably in the arms of a stranger.

"She had refused to let go of the young Master," Russell accused.

"Really?" Caden asked with an amused chuckle. From what he was seeing, it appeared it was the "Young Master" that had refused to let go of the lady.

Hearing his favorite uncle's voice, the little guy raised his head and Grace, whose eyes were trained on him, caught the faint light in his eyes as he stared at the young man.

"It's not like I don't want to let the child go, but he wants to forcefully take him away and since the boy has no intention of going with him, I felt that his motives were not pure and that is why I held onto the boy."

"But the boy acknowledges you, unlike him," Grace added, gesturing with her chin to Russell as she said that last part.

"How can you tell?" Caden asked, his eyes sparkling with interest.

It was true that his nephew, Charles, didn't really get along with Mr Russell, but he was the only person they could trust around him and that was why they still left him as his guardian until they found a better candidate.

But the young lady before him had really piqued his interest by correctly interpreting the situation and not only that, but his nephew, who had never gotten close to any person apart from his father and immediate family members, seemed to have taken to her, a complete stranger.

Was it because of her striking beautiful features which still looked stunning even without makeup? But his nephew had seen more beautiful women than her if that was to be the case.