Do You Want My Son To Starve To Death?

'I'll make sure that I help the young master love her so dearly that she will pack up and leave due to excess love.'

With that she wasn't as mad with herself as she had been before as she hurried back to the servants' quarters.

Meanwhile in her cozy room, Grace was so immersed in the information she was getting from her phone that she forgot about her environment.

She's been checking on how to take care of autistic children and she didn't realize the passage of time.

It was the sound of the door opening that distracted her from her phone.

"Hey sweetheart," she smiled at the head that popped out from the doorway.

Dropping her phone on the coffee table, she carefully wheeled herself to the door to bring the little boy in who had not entered nor responded since she greeted him.

As she opened her door wider to pull him in, she saw another adult standing with an expressionless face behind the boy.

"Mr…," she jogged her memory to remember the grumpy man's name.

"Russell," came the cold reply.

"Yeah," she smiled, ignoring his attitude.

She was more concerned with the little guy whose condition she had read so much about. "Is there anything I can do for you, Mr Russell?"

"Humph!" Mr Russell snorted and gave Grace a look that suggested "what can you possibly do for me?"

"The young master wanted to see you, so I brought him here," Russell stated like someone giving the weather report.

What he didn't disclose was that the little guy had been throwing a tantrum inorder to see her.

When he didn't see her at the dining table he had blatantly refused to take a single bite of his food and his father had no choice but to order him to bring him to her room to see for himself that she was still in the building.

"How have you been, Pumpkin?" Grace smiled so sweetly as she pulled Charles into the room, that even Russell couldn't help but be dazzled by that smile.

Charles didn't respond but if one looked carefully, they could see his usually expressionless face soften a bit.

"Is there something you would want us to talk about? Come on, I'm listening."

Russell shook himself from what appeared to be a trance and quickly looked away from Grace, at the same time, making up his mind that he wasn't going to be won over by her.

Her charms can only work on the young master.

He had a mocking smile on his face as he saw the eagerness on Grace's face.

He couldn't wait to see how that eagerness would turn to frustration after a few days of taking care of Charles.

He was so looking forward to seeing how long she would carry on with the act.

But for now, he had to put that aside as the young master needed to eat.

"It's time for dinner and we need to head back to the dining room," he announced in his characteristic cold voice.

"I'll bring him with me," Grace said without thinking.

The corners of Russell's lips curled in a smirk. "And how do you intend to do that?"

'That's true,' Grace had to agree with Russell.

She doesn't even know where the dining room was and secondly, she still couldn't get around on my feet yet.

She looked down at herself and for the upteenth time hated being in the damn wheelchair. It was so restrictive and inconvenient to maneuver.

Although she didn't regret the circumstances that led to her being in the wheelchair, she would have very much preferred standing on her feet, especially in a new environment and with her new position.

'Anyways, it's just for a few hours. I'm sure I'll be fine by tomorrow,' she consoled herself.

Then raised her hands to caress Charles' soft cheeks. "I'm sorry pumpkin, I can't carry you for now, but I'll accompany you to eat. Okay?"

Russell's eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw Charles's head go up and slowly came down in an obedient nod. But he had no time to express his surprise as Charles moved to the door.

"Lead the way, I'll follow behind," Grace said and gave Charles an encouraging smile.

On their way to the dining, Grace ran into a few servants and of course the one that hated her without a cause. She still wondered how she had offended her, but she was sure to find out soon.

"Good evening, sir," Grace greeted Jace who was already seated at the table.

"Good evening, Ms Fowler. How is your leg?"

"I believe it's healing," she said hopefully.

"You can go and have your meal. I'll wait for you here," Grace gently said to Charles who had also stopped by her wheelchair when she stopped, but he made no attempt to move.

Jace took in a deep breath and it took all his years of careful cultivation not to roll his eyes at his son.

"He wants you to eat with him," he announced, throwing our poor Grace into a panic attack.

"Wh… I.. I mean, I can't …" Grace suddenly turned into a stammerer.

How can she sit at the same table and eat with such a distinguished billionaire that almost everyone is dying to have a view from afar. She was sure, not even a morsel of food would be able to go down her throat without her choking on it if she were to sit at that table.

"Do you want my son to starve to death?"

Jace asked in an icy voice that made a chill go down everyone's spine.

It was more from anger at his son's outrageous demands but he couldn't really direct his anger at his son so someone must take the fall.

"That's not my intention, sir, but.." Grace began.

"No buts. From now on, you eat wherever he wants you to eat. And if he says it's on the same dining table, so be it. No arguments. Do I make myself clear?"