All Over His Son

You must be familiar with a lot of dishes then," Vera, one of the assistants said.

"To some extent," Grace answered truthfully. "But the ones I've seen Mrs Bert prepare here are way too amazing. I'd love to try my hands on some of them someday."

"You sure do have a sweet mouth," Mrs Bert chuckled. "And you're always welcome to come around anytime you are free."

"Really?" Grace's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Thanks, so much. You don't know how glad you've made me. It means a lot to me."

"I didn't know you were this easy to please?" Mary, the other assistant, commented.

"That's why you shouldn't be quick to judge anyone before getting to know them," Vera, advised.

"You are right, Vera," Mrs Bert agreed. "Right from when I saw how young master Charles accepted her, I knew she was the right choice for his nanny."