I Think He Likes You.

As Grace went about her chores for the day, She couldn't remove the weight of the morning's events from her mind.

Part of her thoughts were consumed by the impending task of preparing breakfast for Jace everyday and the other with the memory of what happened before breakfast.

Each of them filled her with a palpable tension that left her feeling restless and uneasy.

Unable to shake off her worries, Grace finally decided to find someone to share the burden with and the only person that came to mind was her best friend, Wendy.

With trembling fingers, she dialed Wendy's number, her heart pounding with anticipation as she waited for her friend to answer.

She knew Wendy will definitely make fun of her and give her some weird advice which she might probably not take in the end, but it was still better to speak to someone she could trust than bottling up everything inside her.