I Thought We Had Something

"Charles of course. He won't be able to handle your absence," Jace said blandly as if he wouldn't be affected at all.

"Are you sure he is the only one that won't be affected? That's good to know as I have a way of making up for my darling Charles. We'll always be together. At worst we'll leave the country with your mom when she's leaving."

"I'd love to see you dare," Jace threatened.

"Did I just detect a note of fear in that voice?" Grace asked as she tried to stifle a laugh. "Don't be scared, I was only joking."

"Of course I know. You wouldn't do something that stupid. You know I won't let my son out of my sight."

"Yeah," Grace agreed, though her voice was tinged with a little bit of sadness.

Was she never going to pursue her career? But hearing him say he would never let her go made her feel she was caged for life.

Was Jace part of those men that believed that women are to stay at home? She'd need to have a talk with him later.