Do You Like What You See?

Jace sighed deeply but nodded in understanding as he pulled her closer and planted a kiss on her forehead. "I understand," he said softly and ran a hand soothingly up and down her back. 

"I'll wait until you're ready, Grace," he said before releasing her from his embrace and pulled away. 

"I'm sorry," Grace repeated when she suddenly lost the warmth and comfort of his body. "I just need you to be patient…"

Seeing that she might have misunderstood his action, Jace said, "I'm not leaving because I'm angry with you, but for our safety. I can't guarantee that I'll be able to keep my promise if I continue lying here beside you. You look too delicious right now and I'm finding hard to keep up with the fasting," Jace joked, but that was the truth.

"Oh," Grace could only utter and drew the covers over her tightly.