Busy Playing ‘House’

"Not on your life," Jace said as he took her hands once again. If the only way to keep her around him was for her to remain Charles's nanny, so be it. It was better than nothing.

"I can't leave just yet," Grace said when Jace started steering her towards the door. 

Jace quirked an eyebrow. "But you're the one that proposed we go see Charles just now."

"I know, I'm waiting for the delivery…"

Just then the doorbell sounded and Grace went out to get the breakfast she'd ordered. 

"You haven't had breakfast? This is almost noon, Grace," Jace scolded with a frown.

"I couldn't eat," Grace said before she realized she'd given herself away.

"I believe you missed me so much that you couldn't bear the sight of food."

"Don't be so proud. It was Charles I missed not you, after all you had your…"