Chapter 2

I finally woke up, finding myself in the washroom, all beaten up. It hurts to move, to speak, my eyes barely open I see someone walking toward me. He looked familiar, he was the one I stepped in to help. I can barely hear his faint voice as he picks me up and brings me to the school nurse.

I wake up once again, in an unfamiliar room, with the boy I stood up for and the nurse tending to my wounds. I cry out in pain as I feel the alcohol rubbing against my wounds, clinching onto the bedsheets. He looks at me in despair and mutters the words I'm sorry...

I looked at him and smiled knowing that he was okay and that what I did was right. What I didn't know was what the future held for me. So much happened in just 1 day and all of a sudden I heard the school bell ring, end of school, end of day 1. What do I tell my mom? Should I lie? Should I tell her the truth?