The Goblin Hunt

As the evening meal came to an end, Arata and Grandpa engaged in conversation about Arata's ongoing training regimen. Suddenly, a spark of remembrance flickered in Grandpa's eyes.

"Oh, I've brought you a gift!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with excitement.

Arata's curiosity peaked. "What kind of gift?" he inquired eagerly.

With a smile, Grandpa reached for something hidden nearby and presented Arata with a sword—a blade long and sharp.

Arata's face lit up with gratitude. "Thank you, Grandpa! Just what I needed," he expressed, his voice brimming with joy.

Grandpa's eyes twinkled. "Care to give it a try?" he suggested, his tone filled with anticipation.

Without hesitation, Arata accepted the invitation, and the two ventured outside to the training grounds. With the new sword in hand, Arata demonstrated his swordsmanship, his movements fluid and precise.

"It's a fine sword," Arata remarked, his satisfaction evident.

Grandpa nodded in agreement. "Your technique has improved," he remarked, a hint of pride coloring his words. "Rest now. Tomorrow, there's a task awaiting you."

As the morning dawned, Arata prepared to resume his training. However, Grandpa had different plans.

"No need for practice today," Grandpa declared, his tone firm. "Your task is to journey into the forest and hunt down ten goblins. Can you handle it?"

Arata's resolve burned brightly in his eyes. "Yes, I will," he affirmed with determination. "I'm heading out now."

With Grandpa's blessing, Arata set forth into the forest, tapping into his newfound powers without restraint. Perched atop a towering tree, Arata scoured the surroundings until he spotted a goblin village nestled amidst the greenery.

Wasting no time, Arata launched a swift assault on the goblin village. With the grace of his Wind Blade Art, he swiftly dispatched the smaller goblins. As the remaining goblins retaliated with their bows, Arata's fortified body and abundant mana shielded him from harm.

Summoning an aura of lethal intent, Arata issued a challenge to the goblin king, who lurked within the safety of his shack. With a single strike, Arata unleashed his newly developed technique—Shadow Blade: Quick Draw—severing the goblin king's head with unmatched precision.

Pondering the nature of his mana, Arata marveled at its dark, shadowy hue when condensed—a phenomenon that inspired the name of his potent technique. Yet, the strain proved too great for his sword, leaving it cracked and broken.

Returning home with ten goblin ears as proof of his victory, Arata was met with Grandpa's warm welcome. Despite Arata's attempt to conceal the damage, Grandpa noticed and reassured him of a better replacement.

"Tomorrow, we'll journey to the town," Grandpa declared, his words infused with promise.

Excitement danced in Arata's eyes as he eagerly anticipated his first visit to the bustling city, marking the beginning of a new chapter in his journey.