Chapter 1: And so it begins.

Now we all know the stereotype about black fathers going to buy milk and never coming back, and we all know that this isn't actually literal, but figurative. BUT, in my case, it was very literal.

Hi there, I'm Jason, Jason King. Yup, you guessed it, I'm black. I also happen to play basketball, listen to loads of hiphop and smoke weed but, I haven't done either of those things in almost 10 years. Without further ado, let me tell you how my father left when I was only a day old, to go and buy milk...

Before I was born, my parents were happy, I mean really happy. They were not perfect, they did not have everything but...they had freedom. The very same freedom that started worrying my dad when my mom told him she was pregnant. See, it wasn't that he didn't want a kid, no. He actually had wanted a kid with Jess, my mom, ever since they met. He sometimes would sit and imagine what having a family would be like and he would smile and laugh alone.

My dad was a very fun guy, you see. He liked to party and everywhere he went laughter and fun followed him, he never wanted to see anyone sad. Anyway back to my birth. When he found out my mom was pregnant, he was freaking out because this was actually a wake up call for him, he was 26, without a house to call his own, without a car(well technically,his car had its days) and he hadn't thought of settling down - so naturally the news scared him. ANNND, he wasn't ready to lose the freedom he and mom had.

He worked at a club in town, and he was a bartender. Exactly, that salary could never raise a kid. He needed another plan, but... he wasn't the best at those kind of things.

Well, the fall came around as quickly as winter went away, then the summer arrived. And so did I.

"It's a beautiful baby boy!!!" said the doctor.

"Congratulations Mrs. King, what shall we name him?" enquired one of the nurses kindly.

"Jason! Jason King Jr." shouted my mom before falling fast asleep from the effect the painkillers had on her.

"You've done it again Jess! You've made me a happy man!" said dad after a couple minutes of a somewhat amazed look.

They did the paperwork - mom was supposed to stay there for three days,but was surprisingly discharged early. The family came to fetch us from the hospital. Mom couldn't stop smiling and dad seemed happy and satisfied as well. So no one was expecting what happened next when we got home...

The only gesture of love I've ever received from my dad was the kiss he gave me when he left to go buy some milk for me. I was only a day old. I don't even remember it, but my mom has told me this much.

Dad started the car to leave and you could hear the commotion that was happening in the house as everyone was celebrating my arrival.

He backed the car out and drove towards his destination of the nearest ShopWell.

He then bought the milk and some other necessities that a new born baby may need. He paid for everything and left the store, walked to the car,got in and just as he was about to start the car, he witnessed a guy who was in a tug of war with an old lady over what he could only assume to be the old lady's purse, I mean old ladies don't mug people do they? My dad always took any opportunity that he could to be a good person. So he exited the car and ran towards the ongoing incident. He tried to fight off the mysterious man and help the old lady but the man would not let off. The fight got even more violent which forced the man to introduce a weapon in the fight. That day, at approximately 14:15 pm, my dad was stabbed multiple times and killed. The man who had done it then took his body and disposed of it. I know this isn't what you expected, my dad didn't leave me. He would've came back! But he wasn't given that chance. What happened to the old lady? What about the mysterious man, where did he end up? Lucky for you I worked for years to find answers to those questions and more.