
What was it that she wanted in life?

Money? Friends? Family? Love? Peace?

She had money, she had friends, she had family, she had love. Did she had her peace before? That one feeling she had yearn for after every time she achieved all her goals, all those years. The feeling to remove the hollowness inside her heart. There was something missing. 

She had thought for a long time, what could it be.

She had a stable carrier with a stable income. She had trustworthy friends that had her back especially on crucial moments. She had family, blood related or not, she had one before. She did fall in love and learnt to love. However, that peace she craved for, seems a bit too far fetch. 

A peaceful mind, a peaceful soul and a peaceful heart. She had thought long across all those hours that she had left. She read all books, observed all people, experienced things she had never thought she would. 

Slowly, those goals that she worked hard for, were taken away from her. All those money, her friends, her family, her love; everything. She was left alone yet again. A broken soul that was once shattered and glued but had to be thrown to the hard wall, again. 

What was it. The she truly had wanted in her life. This sickening and maddening life. 

If only she could turn back time and made a decision she would never regret them. Gain money from the rightful source. Make the right friends and be better for them. Appreciate the presence of her family and saving one. Loving the right person at the right time. 

After so long. Thinking, that is. She had finally come to know what exactly she had been missing in her life. The feeling of contentment.

How funny to realise this when all she had left was nothing.