Chapter 7

A few days after

The loud clinging sound of pots and pans hitting one another which coming from the kitchen had made the three of the newly arrived people of the house, flinched in surprise as they took off their shoes. Seora looked around feeling nervous again.

As per discussion with Nicholas the other day, she agreed to stay at his place for awhile before she could think of a better plan for her new future. 

Nicholas and Alden, both lead her to the kitchen where all the commotion was going on. She saw two men were busy cooking in the open kitchen. A man in his formal suite was reading by the table, and across him was a man in his black hoodie playing his nintendo. This doesn't strike to her like a group of lawless men in their hideout.

"The princess has arrived." Alden cheers causing everyone to turn their attention to him and the woman behind him before ignoring them and continue their work. Seora feels like she was actually uninvited.

Suddenly the sound of the door lock chimed in revealing Elliot came rushing into the house.

"Hey guys! Oh, you're here already?! That was fast." He greets as he enters the dining space. A little relief washed over her when she noticed his presence wasn't for a little while. At least there is a familiar faces she can be eased about it.

"I thought you'll be sleeping at your parent's house tonight?" Nathan asked him, putting down the book he was reading. The doctor scoffed. "Its boring to live in that house. Nobody is actually alive in that mansion, I tell you." Elliot continues nagging about his parent's house.

Everyone knows that Elliot came from the a wealthy family who owns a hospital for generations. He is the seventh generation to acquire the role of the next ownership. He has an older brother whose also a Professor like himself and a sister whose still in college for her master degree. As his brother was in charged of their hospital branch in another region Malaka, he was responsible at the main branch, in Caralina. But he hates people knowing him as the heir of an empire. Thus, he always keeps his identity at its lowest.

And Seora knew less about it.

She watches them one person at a time. They were different from the last time she met them. They seem more relaxed and homie, if that's an actual word. She was analysing in her thought that when Nicholas had to grab her shoulder that she finally respond to him.

"What were you thinking?" He sits beside her watching her for awhile.

"Nothing." She reply. "Why'd you asked?"

"I know you hardly believe in anyone right now, but at least for now, let us help you." Seora doesn't know what to reply back. They had a little discussion before they came here at the hospital. 

Nicholas was not entirely wrong. He came clear to her about her current situation, about someone was tailing on her whereabouts. Although none of them spoke the words, they all knew who were these guys already. 

Honestly, Seora hated the idea. She can hardly trust anyone right now. Its a miracle she could open up to Nicholas, her friend and the doctor, Elliot. She used to not dwell this long with other people after she had made clear she wanted to leave this world. But everything has change now. 

Even so, she also has to consider Nicholas's friends. His friends were not the likeliest members she would say. Apart from her having history with them and one tried to kill her, nothing good could come from this joint-venture.

If it wasn't for the threat of those random people tailing her, she would gladly be alone and free. Yet somehow, her fake death had gone completely wrong. She needs to come up with a better plan.

Would she took the risk of being in another gang, and winning against another one. She doesn't know what will happen in the future but would she really risk it?

Could she trust them? Does she even have a choice?


The dinner was just like what Seora had expected. It was awkward and let's be real, who would not be if someone like her suddenly be presence in their normal territorial space. Elliot and Nicholas was nice enough to cheer up the whole moody environment. Like she had thought, nobody actually welcomed her there.

Nathan who was aware of her condition, begin to speak up after a long while. He knew apart from all of his members, he should initiate the real talk. 

"I hope you find the house convenient to you all while your stays."

Seora looked over the guy in his formal suite. Suddenly her blood boiled.

"I think you have more to say to me than just that." Nicholas stopped drinking and so does everyone in the room. The tension has gotten a little stronger. 

"Do I?" Nathan asked calmly. He put down his glass before he could sipped the juice in it. The hazel eyes that had stared deep into his, had somehow intrigue him to play a little while. Like a master to it's kitten.

Seora tapped her foot lightly on the floor. She's annoyed with this person's demeanor. Nathan on the other hand, pulling up a smirk on his face casually. She can show all her un-satisfaction attitude but he is not one to care.

"I'm Nathaniel Maverick, the leader of this organisation. I guess you already know who we are from your previous experience in this line of work?" Seora rapidly blinks. Suddenly she feels like something stuck in her throat. 

Wait, Maverick? Like The Maverick??!

"It seems my own identity had quite a ring in your head."

Seora glanced over to Elliot. As she puts two and two together, she saw a thin connection somewhere there. How can she not seen it before. But that's not the case, the case is the fact that the name seems so vague to her memories and she couldn't recall a single time when she had heard about it.

Before she could reply to his suggestive remarks, she regain her composure. She can't let this man sees her as a weakling. 

"I honestly don't care who you are. Nothing matters to me now anymore. All I want is for you to apologise for what you had done to me last month." Yes, this is what she had wanted to say. She wanted to hear his apology.

"Apology? From who, me? Did I do you wrong?"

"The last time I checked, it was you who shot me. You see man, I had to stay in hospital for the last few weeks and taking a lot of disgusting pills and consuming nothing but hospital foods while you out there roaming around freely without a single guilt!" Seora's voice raised an octave, causing everyone to put all their attention on her.

The silence grew thicker every minute and Seora hated that this Nathan guy doesn't seem to be bothered about this. Noticing everyone looks on her, she had an idea that this was not the first time them being in this kind of situation before. 

Nathan Maverick is stubborn as hell.

"I could easily let those who hunted you down, who wanted to ravish you, to have their ways with you, but I don't. I could let them roam freely around you but I choose to keep your identity sealed away. I choose to let you die the hard way but I allowed you to be treated in the most luxurious part of any medical house."

Seora looked at him deadpanned. He's crazy.

"I don't see the point of me having to apologise when I have given so much, but if you feel like I had wronged you, then let us make a deal." Nathan put down his glass. "I will apologise to you and in return, you would have to give something to me."

'This sly of a bastard!' She was screaming in her head.

"Go on." Seora looked at him with thin eyes. She knew someone like Nathan is all about business. He won't be doing something if he's not getting anything out of it. She can't deny that he had done a lot of favors for her sake but she also knew all those favors are nothing but a prize for her to repay.

"I want information. About the Lee's that you have acquired, all those years working for them," Nathan's eyes were sharp and it could pierce into Seora's like a fine arrow to a bull's eye. It was impossible that these guys doesn't know her history with the other group. Even when she had been a little subtle with Nicholas, it was idiot of her to not know that these guys are far more than just low tier criminals.

"What makes you think I have such things? I don't associate myself with any of them anymore." 

"I know," Nathan said casually like he had expected that from her. "But that doesn't mean you have nothing against them." He made an eye contact with Hugh who was sitting a few seats away from him. 

"Allow me Miss Song. I don't think you are aware how important you are as a figure in our society. What we wanted is nothing more than enough information to deal with someone like the Lee's. If I can recall, I think you are directly involved with the meeting on July 15th at Gyonghak Building." Hugh walked towards them and put out his tablet in front of her. He scroll a few photos he had managed to secure about her involvement. Seora had gone completely silence as she was reminisce of those days when she was working naively with the devil.

"I can continue with some other photos but I guess this one was enough for you to do a little throwback." Hugh pulled back the tab. He stood behind Nathan like a loyal wingman while Seora's pair of eyes seems a little lost. She hated them for letting her involved back with something like this again.

Of course, what was she expecting when these guys are letting her staying here for cover? And for free at that? Nicholas alone couldn't possibly be enough to get her away from this mess. 

"What do you want from me, actually?" Nathan let a small smirk by the corner of his mouth.

"I want all those information you have regarding Lee's involvement with the politician, Simon Douglas." The name clicked something in Seora's mind as she put the pieces together. All these while, she knew something was wrong with this man, Simon Douglas. If someone as dangerous as Nathan Maverick would mentioned him and go lengths to find any dirt on him, she was right to leave the Lee's organisation after all.

"What are you planning on using the info I have? I need to know what would happen. Not just anybody could have their hands on that man." Seora might be naïve, but she knew how notorious Simon Douglas is. Her assisting the whole meeting between her former boss was enough for her to get the gist idea.

"That's private, unfortunately." Hugh was the one who replied. "We can't risk having a Lee knowing our own plans."

"I can't help you out if I don't see this plan of yours to the end." Seora's enraged.

"How sure are you, that you won't sell us to the Lee's for money?" Hugh countered back.

"What makes you think I'm desperate to go back to him?!" Seora had it enough. This one touch a cord that nobody could ever.

The tension in the air that has been thicker getting a lot more chunkier. The listeners who had been in the sidelines have started to grow worried. Alden and Luca could only watch as Nathan and Hugh talk their way against her. Elliot could only witness silently while Kaysen could care less about any of it. He had been silently eating the leftovers on the table. 

Nicholas on the other hand, choose to jump in before things getting a lot worst. 

"Seora, can we talk in private." Instantly he grab her hand and walk her to the corner of the kitchen hall. Every eyes on them but she ignored it.

"What is it? Your talks are not going to make me tell you anything."

"I know. But at least let me explain it to you." His eyes were looking directly at her.

"Look, I know you don't want to go back to your past. I know you're scared and you're alone." He pulled both of her hand and firmly wrapped it around his. A sign of assurance, that Nicholas had hoped she would understand them. She glares at him and was trying to take away her hands.

"You guys know nothing about what I had been through."

"You're right. We don't." He mumbled.

"I'm one of Lee's? Hah! As if. I rather die from go back to that bastard!" Seora was practically yelling at this point. Nicholas mumbling the same thing. He knew how she had suffered from her past and all because of Lee. That man had made his precious friend turned into someone he couldn't comprehend.

"Seora," Nicholas called her again, softly.

"You knew me right. Out of all people in my life, you know me so much. I know you don't speak a word because you're trying to protect yourself but going against Lee alone is going to get you killed." He wanted her to see that she's not alone.

"What do you know about him and me, huh? Its obvious you're using me to get what ever the hell you want." She fires back. She still feels the pain of the shot Nathan had given. Those grudgeful eyes staring into her soul from the rest of the gang. 

"Seora, don't you believe me." He looked again into her eyes, making sure she sees him. And when she does, suddenly she calms down.

"I don't know." She muttered lowly.

"I obviously don't believe those people. They doesn't seem trustable. There's no reason for me to suddenly believe you guys. You could stab me in the back any time you want!" She pulled her arms away. She felt trapped and she hated it.

Nicholas looked over to the dining table. His teammates are counting on him. They agreed to give her the protection she could have in exchange with all the information she gain from being a Lee all those years. He really wants to reassure Seora that they could never betrayed her or even dare to kill her. 

Over his dead body, even at that, Nicholas wouldn't allow it. He inhales a deep breath. This time, he must help her.

"Seora." He calls for her and force her to have an eye contact with him again.

"You know me. You know this old buddy of yours, would never do such thing to you. He will never let anybody touch you as long as he lives. He won't let anyone harm you." Nicholas gently have her hands in his, so is his voice.

"So, if you can't trust them, trust me." 

A moment of silence. 

"Trust me Seo..."

Suddenly she kick him lightly on his shin making him curse afterward. She chuckles. "Yah! Stop being so cheesy. Its not like you at all."

Nicholas rubbed his shin. He was about to spit profanities at her but then he saw that she was giggling. He can't believe she could giggles this cute. And so he smiles.

"Believe me, we will protect you, I will protect you. You help us, and we will help you. These people, are my most trusted friends. They won't harm people without any reasons. Please. Believe me, Seora." He tries to search her in those eyes. 'Always that hazel eyes.' He smiles as he found her true soul hidden in there.

"I can trust you, but I can't trust them fully. Elliot seems okay, for now." She eyed the rest of them, who are looking at their way.

Nicholas continue to smile brightly as he tugged a few strands of her hair behind her ears and smoothly landing his hand on her face. "I know. Thank you Seora. You have my words. I promise."

"Don't do promises when you can't keep it, Nicho."




