Chapter 11

Monday. The first day of the week and the most productive days for people who work at the bank. Morning especially. It took Nicholas almost one hour to finally get called for his number to the counter.

Despite being one of the core members of an underground organisation, Nicholas still wants to maintain a normal life which in hopes could mask out his flaws underneath. He took his time to learn accountings and force himself to obtain a couple of insurances for his future old self, which he doesn't know if he would still be alive or not.

Unlike the rest of the members, they somehow have a little of a backup support and maybe some of them does not, its his choice to do whatever he wanted with the money he earnt. 

Nicholas thanked the clerk before he walk happily towards the parking lot. He settled his bills and other personal stuff while enjoying his day off to its fullest. The plan for today is to buy lunch from the usual café where he yet to introduce one to Seora, and later binge watch a really good old movie together.

He pulled up the nearby store along the way home to buy some drinks and foods. He ordered a take out from the café and he still has plenty of time before the meals are fully prepared. 

Nicholas was humming to a very old song from his hometown when his smartphone rings by his back pocket. It was Hugh whose calling.

"What's up?" He asked while pulling out a carton of milk from the refrigerator. Hugh on the end of the line is busy typing on his keyboard.

"Where you at?"

After the milk, he make a left turn with the filled-with-only-junk-foods trolley at the junction, where he meet up with a long lines of chocolate bars. Yes.

"Grocery shopping. Why?" Hugh's eyebrows perked up in surprise. 'The last guy to do shopping is actually doing shopping. What is going on?'

"Oookay, hurry up. There is something we need to discuss." Hugh ended the call right away but Nicholas couldn't be bothered. 

The man took his time scanning all foods and beverages throughout the store like he never been to one before in his life. Sometimes to be living a normal life is a bliss. 

When he arrived at Hugh's room after an hour and a half, looking unbothered, Hugh smack him on his head.

"What was that for?"

"I said hurry up."

"But I'm already here, right? Just get to it." Hugh rolled his eyes before he asked him to move closer to the screen of his mega size desktop. 

"We need some intel on these construction company. From the reports we had gathered so far from Nathan's uncle, this company keeps on resurfaced." Nicholas pulled a stool nearby before he reminded back to the last meeting they had before.

The four of the members had went on a mission to steal the financial reports from Schubert Maverick after Nathan discovered him in one photo with the Lee's. Based on the current clue, there were few names popped out that could provide them with more evidence that Schubert is actually a double faced bastard.

Nicholas made an outline in his mind.

"Since both Luca and Alden are occupied with their personal work, Kaysen's being targeted by the police again ..."

Nicholas cuts him, "What? Kaysen is on the run again?"

"Gosh, this kid. Hey, don't cut me when I'm talking. That stupid fugitive is basically on the run for his entire life." Hugh continues.

"What I'm trying to say is, everyone is not available right now. I know its your day off today but this is quite urgent." There are many ways to make a man move his ass on his day off. And one of it was to offer something worth the sacrifice.

"Why can't you take this job?" Nicholas questioned him in full skeptical mode. Compared to him who had to be on-site, Hugh is way more experienced on tracking people down.

Hugh drag his mouse and open a folder on his desktop. There is one file, a video to be precise and that video played out a scene from a place that looks too familiar to Nicholas. 

The location of the company is nearby the dungeon where he used to do illegal fights. The rings. Just from watching the video, he can already smell the old memories. The air in the room getting a little heavier but Nicholas know best of what's about to come to him.

"So what exactly you want me to do?" Hugh click on a document from another folder and the screen in front of them popped out a few pictures of some group of men, with information about them. 

"Study these and remember the faces. Its going to be a real help when you had to go against them, worst case scenario. I can't say for sure what we could expect from this people because they look new to me but at the same time, they do not." 

Nicholas watch Hugh printed out a few copies for him. Hugh is the best informant they could have for the gang and if someone with a high intelligence and knowledge like him said he knew nothing about this, than they better be careful. 

"You can name your price later and, " Hugh stopped while he handed out the papers. " ... please be careful at the very least." Nicholas pulled a goofy smile.

"Chill out bro. You're watching me right through your masterpieces. Who else I'm going to trust?" He pat Hugh's shoulder, forcing the older guy to pull up a smile but it doesn't reach his eyes. He's a little worried.

"What ever you say. And one more thing, keep it to yourselves. Nobody needs to know this until you got the full details. Keep it low." 

Nicholas nodded and left. 

Hugh watched him with a heavy heart. He knows this one choice he made probably won't end up the way he hoped for but he wants to give his best shot for Nicholas. He can be playful and sneaky but he's trustworthy. 

Hugh keep reminding himself the same thing all over.


Monday. A day where most of people found productive but not to Seora. She hates every Mondays that come by and praying that Tuesday would appear faster. So as Saturdays. 

But nothing beats her hatred and inconvenience she had to deal with having to shot gun with someone she despised. Luca who is currently focuses on his driving paid no attention to the other two people in the car. Alden who has been a passenger princess, was chilling at the back seat. The three of them were out working, or in other words, a mission to extract information from former colleague of Seora whom she put her old documents with them. 

She was glad the trip was not that far away and to avoid traffics, they choose to go in the evening. Less people, less commotion.

The destination they were heading to was around the outskirts of the city. There were many different kinds of stores and restaurants but the kind they were searching for isn't anything close to that.

Seora remembers that one friend she made when she was a newbie in the Lee's company. A senior of her by two years, who was assigned to guide her throughout her first few months in the work. She was the first person she seek when she finally decided to cut off her connections with the Lee's.

Its funny how this woman also the one she seeks again, to retrieve something she swears she would never ever touch it again.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Alden questioned her after they had arrived. Luca was taking a little time since there wasn't a space to park cars but he would be fine on his own. 

"We will never know, unless we step in." 

Seora took a deep breathe before pushing the door into a small shop in the middle of the alley. There wasn't a single person walking along the way nor there were customers inside this small antique shop. 

The rusty smell of iron mixed with copper and dust, filled her lungs. The dangling sound of the flower-like iron at the top of the door, signifies a customer presence in that humble shop. There was a lot of old and vintage miscellaneous all the way to the empty counter. 

She has not been here for years and she barely remembers the outline of this place.

Alden looks the same as her. He scanned the surrounding for anything suspicious and to every corners where shop owners normally would put their surveillance cameras. But weirdly enough, there was not a single camera he could find.

"Yes? May I help you with anything?" The two new customers immediately panned their vision to the source of the voice. Its the warmth from that sweet voice which made Seora wanted to break down right then and there.

When both of their gazes met one another, it doesn't take long for the owner to leave what was on her hands on the floor and ran towards the young lady she had long to see. 

"Seora?!" The petite lady engulfed her tall friend like as if it was their first time meeting each other again, which is in this case is true.

"Pamela." Seora's voice crack a little as she says her name. They embraced each other while Alden standing there looking like an awkward mushroom.

"Oh my God, how are you still alive?! I heard on the news that you were ..." Pamela's comment was cut off when another dangling sound crashes the air. Luca walked into the shop looking confused as to why three pair of eyes were watching him.

"Its a long story." That's the only thing she could say right now. Seora can't possibly reveal that she choose to betray the Lee's and becoming a whistleblower for the sake of Nathan Maverick's political stand.

Besides, Pamela didn't know anything about what she had gone through after she left the company in details. Seora doesn't plan to tell her all of it. 

The lady on the other hand, seems a lot more careful. She eyes the other two men suspiciously. Despite her small body, she wasn't afraid if things could go wrong any minute. If it wasn't for Seora reassured her that the guys are harmless, Pamela would already tried to run away with her at that moment.

"Oh God, where are my manners. Come, let's move to my office. Its a bit cold down here with all these cranky old metals." Pamela's parents used to own a pawn shop back in the days and before they both decided to retire, the shop was left for Pamela to work on. But she had other plans for it and turns the shop into an antique store.

Other than tea, she serves coffee for the gentlemen. Alden gladfully accepted the offer while Luca being himself, try to act all cold and distance. His job was to observe and he took it literally. But truly he was just another awkward mushroom in the house.

"I believe you have something you want from me?" Seora nodded and smiled thankfully as Pamela was very straightforward. "Yes, do you remember the pendrive I gave you, like years back?"

"You mean that one piece of parcel, that you shipped out from nowhere and suddenly caused me a heart attack and I had to search you up, only to find you were dead. That's the pendrive you're talking about?" Pamela's direct words had them all speechless. Seora nodded slowly before she apologises.

"I'm sorry." Pamela pulled out an envelope out from her safe container. She chuckled at the sight of the three musketeers who crash into her store looking at her with astonishment. 

"Here. I haven't open it yet because it never dawn to me that it was something as important that it would make you walk out from the dead." Seora tends to forget how sassy Pamela used to be and she still is going strong.

"Thank you." She said them truthfully, that she hopes Pamela understand the situation she's currently in. 

"So, let's open them." Alden stopped the drama before he pushed a small sharpless knife he found somewhere nearby, towards Seora to cut it. 

Everyone other than her, doesn't know what was kept inside but Seora still remembers clearly what it was. A small pendrive with a letter mentioned about a diary that she had lost them, the day she commited the fake suicide. The pendrive was immediately on the hands of Alden while Seora reread back what she had written for Pamela.

When she finished them, she could feel her tears brimming in her eyes. 

The letter that she wrote for her was the night she decided to leave everything behind. She had lost so much and what was left of her was pain and a bit of her last humane thoughts. It was so raw that she had hoped, she could burn that letter before it even reaches Pamela's hands. 

When the senior finished reading them, she immediately hugged her like her life depends on it. 

For Alden and Luca who are watching them from the sideline, they could only guest. Alden who was fast at his works, had all the data safely duplicated into his smartphone. Luca on the other hand, who was assigned to observe Seora's behaviour suddenly got curious on the letter. 

Another letter.

He wanted to read them, to understand why both Nicholas and Pamela adore and cherish this woman. He was this closed to take it into his hands before Pamela snatch the paper away. She pulled out a lighter before burn the white sheet to crisp.

"There. Everything's gone. There would be no reason for you to feel guilty for finally being a human." There was meaning to her words and Luca clearly have to guess what the letter meant for. 

He knows he's being dramatic a little but he can't help but thinking if the letter has any other clues to who exactly Seora Song was before her fake death. Maybe, just maybe, the letter has something to do with that Lee guy. 

Luca watched them and let his brain sink in all the information he had been getting so far. There were too much to report but he decided to filter them before report them to Nathan. An emotionless guy like Nathan won't be able to understand this whole context, provided the letter was destroyed. But at least he knows one thing.

The letters are the real clue.


"Hey." Luca stopped and turned around when he heard Pamela was calling from behind. Alden and Seora had left the room before him and that means, he was the one she's calling for.


"Yes, you." A firm voice coming for the small Pamela. She is indeed quite tiny. 

"I may not know who you guys are but there is something you have to know about Seora. " Luca was surprised. 

"You can't let those two meet each other." Pamela's firm voice clicked a thought in Luca's mind. He watch the lady carefully.

"And for what reason you told me this?" For all Luca cares about, Seora would be someone he won't care much but Pamela believe otherwise.

"I can tell how your eyes work on her." Something shifted inside of him. He doesn't know why but something become clearer right after.

"You care for her. Not as much as I do but I know that look better than anyone." Luca suddenly felt his heart pumping more blood.

Pamela push him a piece of white parcel. If Luca doesn't know any better, he might as well ignored it. But, he knows what that is and so does Pamela. She's not joking around and her soft looks are changing like her real self emerging out.

"You did not ..."

"Yes. I lied and made a copy of it." Pamela moved a little nearer. " I believe we both have our own shares of secret to keep."

There was a long pause before Luca had to admit the he was dealing with a veteran of n antique store. She may look harmless and warmth in the eyes but you have to bear in mind, people always wearing masks wherever they go. Like the antique store she owns, Pamela had so many secrets up her sleeves and she has always been prepare. 


Luca left the room and out of the shop where he met with Alden and Seora who were waiting for him. He doesn't know what would happen in the future but his heart felt different after leaving the shop. The letter he got, he pushed them deeper into his jacket pocket. 

Somehow, he felt like he doesn't want to share this one piece of evidence with anyone, especially with their leader, Nathan.




