The woman and goodbye

[Writer's note: Hey guys, I hope you're having fun with my book. Anyway, you may have observed that in the last chapter, he is holding his gun after claiming to have buried them.

I apologize; I meant to add that he only buried one gun. I apologize and I hope you all understand that I made a mistake. Regardless, I'll be repairing it. Regards and have fun.]


Ashely slightly opened her eyes to reveal three distinct individuals, each with distinct looks and personalities. The first was a plump, attractive blonde who exuded a calming aura that enveloped her and eased Ashley's weariness and wounds.

The other was a black man wearing small eyeglasses that covered his eyes and had a worn-out expression on his face. The final one was a small, stocky man with an ordinary build who had a black hat with a silver star on it.

She wanted to say thank you to the rescuers, but all she could say was:

"They know"

At last, she passed out once more.

Crawford announced that they had a new tenant, and he gave Quinton the order to carry the girl as Beth went with them. Crawford knelt before James's tomb after standing motionless and staring at it.

He inhaled deeply and spoke, somewhat sorrowfully:

"Elf, we shall meet again, either in this life or the next. When we are remembered by someone, we never really die. Elf, you will always be in my heart. Will always and forever be."

Crawford grinned at the tomb, then dug a hole and removed the hidden firearm.

"This is the Ruger Blackhawk that killed the new you; it has four empty magazine slots. After three rounds, the bullets have the power to completely demolish a cow's head. My favorite firearm and murder weapon will be my present to you, Elf. Be at ease and bid adieu.

Crawford dropped his revolver, pulled out a box of ammunition, opened it, and let the bullets fall to the floor.

Crawford said, "See you around," adjusting his hat and glasses before heading out of the grave and crack.


As Crawford got to the shade where he had tied his horse, he patted it a few times and heard it neigh in response to the love. Crawford reached into his saddle pockets, produced an animal-skin jar, exhaled, and took a sip of the drink.

His already parched throat became wetter with the liquid; he inhaled while staring up at the sky. Crawford grinned, replaced the jar, leaped atop the horse, grasped Brittle, and bellowed:


"I'm hungry. I wonder what Beth cooked," Crawford thought to himself as the horse dashed across the sandy gully.


11h56 The town

After securing his horse, Crawford rode into town and proceeded to the rear of the Sheriff's office. Quiton knocked on the back window and opened it, saying, "Sheriff, her condition is stable." Crawford grinned and stroked his horse as he went to get some hay to feed it. "She is currently dozing off in one of the holding cells." Quinton continued

"Good tell me when she wakes up, I will be taking her statement then," Crawford stated with a nod.

Quiton obeyingly answered, "Okay, Sheriff," as he closed the window and vanished into the office to carry out his daily duties. To escape the gaze of the town, Crawford made a discreet pass through the alleys and back street.

They will attempt to meet and question him if they see him about his accomplishments in saving the Clinton daughter from the problematic young man James, but he was not in the mood to respond to any inquiries.

He made several turns and eventually arrived at the saloon, where he went through the rear door.

Within one structure, the saloon served as a restaurant, hotel, and bar. With just a quick glance, the decor had a distinct pulling power that made you feel both at home and at ease. Beside the steps leading to the motel stood a large bar stand with a cabinet full of glass and tin cups.

While using some cleaning solution inside, Beth was there wiping the stand with a cloth. Crawford banged on the stand and gave Beth a sidelong glance before saying,

"The unusual please"

When Beth heard this, she grinned and said, "Just sit down; it's ready for you."

Crawford went to one of the roundtables where poker was played and sat down without waiting to hear the response.

After some time, Beth arrived carrying two enormous trays as enticing smoke began to waft into Crawford's nostrils. His mind was clouded by the fact that he had killed James, and now he would honor his name by indulging in his and James's favorite dish:

Two China plates, teacups with golden designs, and a teapot full of brewed green tea (Ocha) occupied one tray. One had whole grain bread that appeared fresh from the oven, and it had some buttered pieces. Cooked beans in a little skillet.

Crawford turned to face Beth, thinking, "If she were mine, I would kiss her good."

"Would you like to join me?" inquired Crawford. Beth was both shocked and thrilled to hear this, and she responded, "Sure, why not?"

Crawford suppressed his smirk as he sipped his tea, and Beth joined in, but Crawford interrupted her with, "Tell me something, Beth, what do you believe in?"

"I quit believing in anything that this world has shown me," replied Beth, sighing as she bit into the crusty bread. The world has rejected us because it believes that we are abominations and are not human. No, I no longer have any faith in anything."

"I see, thanks for the response," Crawford murmured, looking sorrowfully at the spread of food when a startling memory burst into his head:

Crawford was seen escorting a woman with a bright glow and smile displayed on her face. The child laughed and played in front of them as they opened the Saloon door. The child shouted, "Mrs. Saunder, we want breakfast"

Mrs. Saunder was an old woman with white hair covered with wrangles and pale skin, she smiled at the Youth and asked, "Are you speaking for yourself or those two as well deary?"

Being asked the little boy said "They are busy with each other to get me breakfast, so I am getting myself some food"

"Okay deary, I will make you some juice and toasted bread," said Mrs. Saunder

"Yes please" said the boy as he bowed and left to see his parent who were now sitting down on the chairs with a table that was now on attached to the ground.

Suddenly hands appeared and carried the boy, he looked to see who was now carrying him. He saw a black man with small glasses with a vampiric smile as he said:

"Hello as always boy," said the man.

''Hello Mr. Crawford and good morning," said the boy.

"Good morning, James"

The memory fled from his mind as Crawford ate the breakfast with Beth. They ate in silence, Beth thought that she should try to say something to Crawford to comfort but there was nothing to say at all to help him in this difficult time.

Suddenly Quiton entered the salon through the front entrance as he said with low breath "She awoke"

Hearing this Crawford took his last sip and said "Prepare her for a statement. We must know how she got to the town to begin with" 

Quiton nodded and said "Yes Sheriff"

Crawford stood there and asked with a smirk "Tell something Beth"

"Tell you what?" asked Beth.

"Is your Lunch better than your Breakfast?"

Beth chuckled before answering "Yes and I can promise you that you would vomit it from eating it" 

Crawford stood and said "Looking forward to it" as he took out a paper with an old man wearing a monocle.

"You don't need to pay you know that right," said Beth as she smiled at fleeing man and the note in her hand.

Crawford walked to the down and opened the two-way worn-out doors and said "Sorry, old habits"