" All our investigations are leading to two conclusions, they either after her and you'll be found because of that, or they are after you, which will lead to her eventually," a voice on the other side of the phone said, Alex moved in the room impatiently saying " Shall I arrange a new house? City? Whatever it takes!" the voice replied " I am afraid it won't be enough" " what would be?" Alex cried, the guy on the other side took a deep breath, and after a long minute of silence, that tortured the already stressed Alex, he said" It is time for Dark A to return " Alex's eyes opened wide and his breaths got heavier, he fell on his knees and whispered " no way, you know what that means, no way" " I am afraid you've got no other choice" the other party replied coldly, ignoring the pain and despair in Alex's voice.
"You need to take it, easy Princess, you can't simply adjust his appointments according to your wishes, you may cause him a huge loss, his not a simple office director seat, he is running a whole company for God's sake, " Sam said to Anna sitting next to him in the living room, Anns looked at him and said " Nothing happened really, Lina made sure nothing bad will happen" Sam shook his head in surrender and continue "you'll end up causing this girl to lose her job" "No I won't " Anna answered with stubbornness, Sam laughed, kissed her forehead and said, " go and apologize kid". Anna took a deep breath and stood to go and see Adam, only to find out that he was outside " He arranged one of the meetings you rescheduled" Michael explained, " he got really mad, didn't he!" She questioned, " well, the idea is that you're only allowed to change his schedule so that he won't miss my games, anything else, is up to him, you know how a workaholic he is, but don't worry about it, he'll come around eventually" Michael assured his aunt. She smiled at him and left the room devastated. She could never take it easy when Adam is angry with her, because it's a pretty rare event, Adam is the most tender and loving of her brothers, and his patience with her is limitless. A cry of pain escaped Alex when she dropped herself next to him woke her up, to find herself in her dear brother's room, he's always been her escape "Easy girl, I am trying to get better not the other way around" Alex complained making space for her to sit comfortbly. Anna pouted and said " Sorry dear brother, I was lost in thoughts" "Mmm, Adam is still mad at you?" Alex guessed Anna nodded a yes with eyes full of tears, " oh, come on my dear, it is not that bad" Alex said holding her with his fine arm " It must be, he never gets mad with me " Anna explained with shaken voice " there you said it, he's just trying to make up for the work he can't do till he goes home, don't over think it, it'll all pass once you apologize" Anna whipped her tears and kept silent for a while, so Alex suggested " how about our favorite story! It'll make time pass quickly " Anna's eyes lightened up and she said, " That would be great, it never fails to lift my mood" Alex adjusted the blanket cleared his throat, and started "Ahem, so, I know that you find it strange that I call you my savior, cuz for you it was me who saved you" Anna agreed saying " true, living with my brothers wasn't that bad, they took a very good care of me, but my stepdad was a real nightmare" Anna commented " that was said, let me tell you how you saved me" Anna nodded with excitement so he continued " after mom's death, it was always me and your mom, even after her marriage and me joining an internal school, we never lost touch, by the time I finished school, your mom was divorced with two kids, so we came here, me, her, Adam and Sam, she insisted on buying this huge house, " so that you marry here too" she would say, but it became so lonely after her marriage with your father, do I joined the law enforcement. She was happy and I liked what I did, but running from the emptiness of this place I started to take long-duration missions, it wasn't a big deal, having no one to come home to. But your mom knew me quite well to read my heart, you know what she did?" Anna nodded and said "Aha, but I like it when you tell it " Alex smiled and added "She left me messages, each time she called I didn't pick up, so each time I came home I found the phone recorder exploding with countless messages. She would ask about me, or tell me something that happened and was important to her, sometimes she would leave angry messages cuz I'd been gone for a long time... So each time I came home it was like she was there welcoming me, her voice filling the empty house, and I once more felt at home. After the divorce when you.... and she came back, things were warmer, though even I hated it, I knew how much she and your father loved each other, he loved everything about her, even her kids from another man, me. Thier divorce was such a shame, still your presence in the house was very pleasing. And then one day I came home after a long period of absence only to find that she was gone forever" Alex quietly took a deep breath forced a lump down his throat and continued "It was lonely again, and this time the house was also dark and cold. Running again I buried myself in work, till that day when I came in and saw the phone signaling a left message I listened with a shaken heart, to your voice "Hi there, dear brother, it's been a while since you came to my visit, hope you're okay? " and that day Angel, I was saved, it felt like your mom was there, the house felt warm and my loneliness vanished, I realized that I have someone to come home for. And from that day on, till that day, you, my little Angel, became my savior, and till this day you still are" Anna smiled warmly and replied with a fake curiosity "Does saving you in the hospital count?" Alex burst into laughter, held her more, kissed her forehead and confirmed " sure it does, dear, sure it does" Anna raised her head and with fake arrogance she pushed her head up saying " of course, no need to thank me though" Alex laughed even more and pushed her off the bed saying " stop making me laugh, my stitches Annaliz". She stood up immediately and helped him rest " sorry dear brother.... that was the most beautiful story I've ever heard" She said with a warm smile, Alex smiled back " I am happy you like it, I like it too, let's tell it more often" Alex replied .