Save your tears (3)

Florence was startled by the sight of Jack storming out, muttering something about the lady being crazy. "Follow him. You are to watch his every move and report what he touches. Get the guards if he tries to steal," she ordered the maids Scarlet had sent out of the room.

Florence then hurried inside the bedroom to check on Scarlet. These days arguments between Jack and Scarlet never end well. 

She never worried about it getting physical because no matter Jack coming from a wealthy family, Scarlet was originally a Collins, one of the few families in town you would never want to lay your hands on. An old family with a long line of wealth. 

Florence entered the room, confused as to where Scarlet had wandered off to, but then she noticed the closet door was wide open and went there to look for Scarlet.

"My Lady!" Florence yelled, taken aback by the sight of a gun pointed toward her. Her back hit the door as she stumbled. 

Scarlet lowered the gun now that Florence was before her instead of Jack. "My apologies," she apologised.

Florence cleared her throat, trying to compose herself after how she reacted though it was perfectly normal with a gun pointed at her. Scarlet always wanted to be alone after her talk with Jack, but Florence always took the risk to come right after.

Scarlet never sent her away so Florence was left believing that Scarlet wanted the company though she would not say it.

"It was my fault for coming in without your permission. I should have sent him off the moment you arrived. There were ten minutes left to the time you offered him and I did not anticipate your return," said Florence. 

"No need for excuses when it was my unexpected return that turned everything this way. His time is up so see to it that he leaves my home and inform the guards that he is not welcomed again. I do not care who he comes with," Scarlet said, putting the gun back in the box as she spoke.

"I will do so right away. What of his things? Should I…burn them?" Florence asked, needing something to do with what was by the front door.

"That sounds lovely, but I do not want to hear about it in the future. Whatever he leaves behind, pack it up nicely and send it to my lawyer. Inspect the house once more to check that nothing belonging to him is present," Scarlet said as she didn't want him making claims that something belonging to him was still there.

"Yes, My Lady. Since your tea time ended early, should I have some made for you now?" Florence asked. She knew Scarlet well enough to have a hunch that Scarlet wasn't pleased she didn't get to enjoy her tea. "The cooks have been learning-"

"It is never to my liking so leave it be. Harry has been tasked with finding elsewhere for me to visit. Is there anything more you need to report to me? I want to take a warm bath," Scarlet said, reaching to her back to start unbuttoning her dress.

Florence hurried over to Scarlet to aid in getting off the dress. "You received an invitation. It is another gathering for Collins and you have been invited once more. Shall I do the usual decline?"

"Quickly. I have no time to listen to any of them speak of needing my help with their businesses. A bunch of annoying fools," Scarlet muttered. She had long grown tired of being the one everyone turned to for help only for them to speak ill of her when her back was turned. 

Money was the only reason many of her relatives came around. 

"Your mother has made note that you are to attend."

Scarlet frowned. "Why did you speak of declining if that is what she said?" She asked, her dress fell to the floor with the ending of her question.

Florence bent down to pick up the dress and answered, "Because it is what you would like for me to do. Perhaps a short visit will suffice and then leaving right after for business matters. I will make the call so you stay no more than thirty minutes."

Scarlet smiled because of how well Florence knew her. "Very well."

Florence kept her eyes on the floor as Scarlet looked for another dress to wear after her bath.

"Do not bring tomorrow's paper to me and call for the jeweller. I need a new necklace," said Scarlet. 

"Of course. If I may, are you alright Lady Collins?" Florence asked, worried about Scarlet's conversation with Jack. The sight of Scarlet trembling wouldn't be easy to forget. This would not be the first time that she caught Scarlet in such an emotional state, but then Scarlet pretended as if she were fine.

Florence greatly disliked that Scarlet was made to feel like she could not cry. As the one in charge of most of the businesses that her great-grandfather Edgar Collins started, Scarlet was made to act emotionless and hide her true feelings. 

It was moments like this when Scarlet would show a bit of emotion but then hide it when anyone came near.

"Why wouldn't I be fine? Your task for tomorrow is not to let anyone mention what will be written in the papers to me. Oh, make a call to my lawyer. I want this marriage to end sooner than planned. I don't want to be tied to their mess," Scarlet muttered.

Jack and his mistress were causing more of a mess by saying he moved on because she didn't give him a child when he so desperately wanted to be a father and now Beth announced it to a crowd who won't let the matter rest. 

"I don't want to be disturbed for the rest of the day. I don't care who it is," Scarlet said.

Anyone looking to speak, whether to comfort or speak about how she was the one to mess up her marriage, did not need to come into her home now.

"We sent away someone from the papers looking for your thoughts on the divorce. With everything like this, is it good for you to attend the diamond ball at the palace?" Florence asked, worried that Scarlet being among so many nobles and important people in the town would just be too much for her to bear.

Even a woman like Scarlet had her limits. Scarlet had her family to back her, but how long could one woman last against a town that was enjoying her divorce? Scarlet was the victim, yet, fingers were being pointed at her and insults thrown because she was going to become a divorced woman.

"Good job. Don't worry about the ball," Scarlet answered. 

Florence's concerns and questions did not bother her as she had grown close to Florence over the years. Florence cared for her like a friend, but never forgot she was only the head maid. 

Florence smiled, enjoying the compliment. No matter what anyone said about Scarlet, she would always know the truth that the lady was not heartless. "Then, I will leave you be and-Oh!" She exclaimed, startled by something brushing past her feet. "I will take the cat out."

"Leave her," Scarlet said, looking down at the black cat. Had it been around when Jack was here, he would have lost an eye. "Why didn't I listen to you when you showed disinterest in that man?" Scarlet asked, looking down at the small creature. "I could have saved myself from this trouble."