Deal (2)

"My lady," Florence called, knocking on the door after. 

Florence opened the door of Scarlet's room, careful not to make too much noise as she entered. She closed the door and went to the curtains to bring light into the room. 

Florence heard movement on the bed and turned to face Scarlet. "It is morning, Lady Collins. You instructed me to wake you as soon as the paper came."

Scarlet's eyes remained closed for a few seconds longer then opened, adjusting to the light that filled the once-dark room. "Is there anything about me in the paper?"

Florence smiled as there was finally a day with good news. "I looked all through it and there was no mention of your name. It must be a sign that today will be a good day for you."

Scarlet slowly sat up. "There is no mention of my divorce? Of Jack?"

"There was something about him, but your name wasn't printed," Florence answered. "It was a small part of the paper. The main topic was the coming ball."

"The agreement was for my name to be out of it," Scarlet muttered.

Ian had held up his end of the deal and though it felt good not to have her name in the papers, she was again confused by the man.

"Florence, perhaps it is just coming out of sleep that fogs my memory. Do the Kingsleys have any involvement in the paper or has the paper recently been sold to someone else?" Scarlet asked.

Florence stood confused as to why Scarlet was asking her. This information was something Scarlet should be well aware of as she spent an hour out of the day looking at the business being done around the town. "Not that I have heard. The same family runs the paper. Are you ill?"

"No. Partially confused by someone. Thank you, Florence. That is all," Scarlet said, laying back down as time was still left before breakfast.

Florence bowed her head and started to make her way around the room to get what Scarlet needed for the early part of the day.

"Did you put my dress and other items for the ball in another room?" Scarlet asked.

"I did. It is neatly placed for when you have to get dressed. Would you like anything brought back to your room or taken there?"

"Change the shoes to what the designer said would be more comfortable should I want to dance," Scarlet answered.

She was a woman of her word and since he had helped her even if it was just for one day, she would dance with him. Ian had proven himself useful for helping her not deal with the paper. 

If he could do it again, no matter what method he was using, he might soon find himself becoming her acquaintance.

Two days later, Lockwood was filled with talk of the diamond ball. Talk of who was attending, what would be worn, and who was going with who had taken over the talk about Scarlet's divorce though there were a few wondering who would be by her side.

"You look wonderful, Scarlet," Samara said, loving her daughter's choice of dress for the night. "You might steal the attention away from the royals. Wouldn't she, Leonard?"

"She's our daughter and Collins. Of course, everyone will be looking her way which should be annoying," Leonard said, hardly as ecstatic for the ball as his wife was. 

If not for it involving family, he would not be present. Leonard only looked forward to seeing the Collins Samara said had troubled Scarlet. It seemed that because he had been silent since Scarlet's divorce came to light, others thought he would remain silent when they troubled his daughter.

Leonard was only silent because Scarlet requested him to. When he found out about the cheating, he was quite ready to grab the nearest gun and shoot the man. 

"It won't be annoying because we have a little private section just for us as always. Your other relatives will be a bit jealous as they always are," Samara said as she removed a spec from Leonard's coat. " It is also time for your father to return to town."

"Grandfather should stay where he is with grandmother. Nothing about this town is worth coming back to. We should move up the date for when we go to the countryside with grandfather and his siblings," Scarlet proposed.

"We cannot just change the date as everyone is busy. Just because you are having a bad time in town doesn't mean your grandfather should not return. He likes to see the estate and visit his parent's graves. I must send new flowers to be placed," Samara noted.

Scarlet looked out the carriage window at the palace in view. There were long lines of carriages and automobiles going through the gates. She was in luck not to have to get in line as her family was a special guest.

"It will be fine," Samara said, watching her daughter.

"I am not afraid," Scarlet replied. She was used to the attention from a young age because her family was old money and popular. 

Lockwood had been interested in her family's love affairs for many years since her great-grandfather's pick of a wife according to the town. 

"I don't need the two of you to escort me. I've been to plenty of balls without a man by my side, be it a relative or Jack. You should enjoy the night and dance. Thank you," Scarlet thanked the driver as he helped her out of the carriage.

"But it's the first one without Jack," said Samara. Samara's only concern was Scarlet having to hear about Jack instead of getting to enjoy the night. "Should we have gotten a relative to escort her?"

"Should have let me kill him," Leonard said, stepping out of the carriage to then help Samara out himself. 

"That might have made everything less complicated," Samara finally agreed with Leonard. 

Scarlet walked ahead of her parents, ignoring the comments about her coming alone and even the ones complimenting her dress. She blocked out everything as the people who stuck outside to comment on everyone arriving were not worth her time. 

Scarlet made her way to the ballroom without needing a maid to lead her there as she had frequented the palace many times. 

Though the people were already a nuisance the sound of music coming out of the ballroom helped to bring her peace. Scarlet waited by the open ballroom doors, where she gathered more attention, for her parents to catch up to her. 

Scarlet only needed to know where the king had assigned space for them to stand without anyone coming to them unless given permission then she wouldn't disturb them. 

"Your plan to go alone ended fast. Come, let me lead you to where our space is. And Scarlet, it is perfectly fine to move on so should anyone worthy of your time ask you to dance, you should dance," Samara suggested.

Scarlet didn't have to think of seriously courting the man the day after. Just dance the night away and enjoy herself. Jack had already moved on and started a family so it was perfectly fine for Scarlet to have fun.