A ladder to climb (1)

With the grand plan of pinning Scarlet for the loss of her child not working, Beth had to come up with another as she could no longer distract Jack from speaking about a doctor.

Beth had never wanted to go back in time more than now as she didn't know how to end this lie about a baby. Had she not seen Scarlet that day, this would have never happened. Somehow, it was Scarlet's fault that she had blurted out about having a baby.

The only solution Beth could think of now was to visit a doctor to get them to lie about her pregnancy. She would buy their silence with the money Jack had been giving her recently because of their unborn child.

Beth sat alone waiting for the doctor to be ready. She couldn't call them to the mansion as she was afraid of being overheard by the maids who were more loyal to Jack than her.

She touched her flat belly and said, "Because of this, he is going to marry me. Just wait."