Garden of drama (3)

"Thank you," Scarlet said, taking a glass of juice Ian took from a passing maid for her. "You are not having one for yourself? The weather is a bit warm so you should drink something even if it is just water."

"I drank plenty before I went for you so I will drink when needed. Why are you staring at it like that? Are you afraid someone tampered with it?" Ian questioned, watching as Scarlet moved the cup in a circular motion. "Have you suspected someone of messing with your drinks before?"

"Plenty of times," Scarlet answered. "I have to be careful. A few greedy people are looking to kill me."

"You drank the tea I prepared for you without any suspicion. Well, not that I saw," said Ian.

"I am not paranoid everywhere I go it's just when I get around some familiar faces. The juice is fine," Scarlet said, taking a small sip of it.