Surprise visit (1)

Silence fell upon the room and to get rid of it, Ian asked, "Are you thinking of whether to do it or not?"

Scarlet pushed Ian up and sat up. "Don't be ridiculous. That is your problem. Please clean up after yourself."

"It was not a problem I caused by myself, Scarlet. This doesn't just happen so casually so you have a part to play in it. Do you want to stay and watch-"

Scarlet quickly stood up. She didn't need to see how he was going to get rid of his problem. "I am going down to get ready for dinner," she said.

"Your loss," Ian added as Scarlet walked away.

Scarlet opened the door and quickly closed it before Ian could make her another offer to stay with him. She leaned on the door, not believing what occurred between her and Ian. 

His touch still lingered and the feeling of the kiss had not gone away. She had to be crazy for going along with his test and letting him put her in such a position.