Future plans (1)

"Let me see if I get this right. You want me to fight him," Ryan pointed to Ian. "While I am standing in her estate?" He pointed to Scarlet. "Normally, I would do anything for you great aunt but this I must decline."

Rue's shoulders dropped due to disappointment. "Why?"

Ryan had a very simple answer. "I value my life and should I hurt even a strand of his hair on his head, Scarlet looks like she would want to shoot me. We all know not to question her aim with a gun. She's had the best tutors for learning how to shoot."

Ryan considered himself fast but he couldn't outrun bullets. 

"Well, he's not wrong. I don't want to spend the next hour tending to any wounds Ian gets," said Scarlet.

"Why would I get a wound?" Ian asked, bringing attention to himself. "Oh right. You once said that you would see him as the winner."