Free (3)

"Here is the bottle," Ivy said, handing it over to Victor. "She was honest."

"I know she would be for that. To think something in this little bottle ruined my life so much," Victor said, still in disbelief that his mother kept poison around. "At least there is a way for me to try finding a cure. I won't be around much. I have to leave soon to head to the border."

"The border? Why would you go there when-"

"Ivy," Victor interjected to save her from saying something she would regret. "The woman Ian is seeing now has relatives from the border. They rule at the border so you must be careful with what you say. He looks busy but I am sure he is listening to us."

Ivy looked at Ian who was looking around the garden. "I wasn't going to say something bad. I am worried that the long ride there might not be good for you and you will have to start preparing to take your father's title. You will need to meet with the king."