Finding The Ingredients

Apollo sighed after walking out of Filly's restaurant. He put a hand on his aching shoulder while turning around to look back. He saw Gail standing behind the glass door, watching his every move.

That woman was observing him curiously and seemed to be in deep thought.

"What a creep," Apollo muttered, averting his gaze. He went back to his beggar spot and sat down inside his small shelter. He couldn't help but think that his day was too eventful. That wasted a lot of his time! He could have been cultivating instead of running his mouth!

He shook his head and noticed that the building in front of him was very different from when he first saw it. It's probably the most elegant building in this rundown district.

"They really know how to flaunt their money," Apollo muttered. He shook his head, then brought up his status screen.


Name: Apollo Leone.

Race: Human.

Alm Points: 10

Spirit Cultivation: None.

Physique Cultivation: 1st Step Foundation Building.

Attributes: None.

Looking at his remaining Alm points, he felt bitter that his foolish decisions almost cost him his life because of those black wolves, and he also spent some of his Alm points!

He sighed again before thinking about his mission. Apollo felt frustrated when he thought that he still had to meddle with this body's family problems. He doesn't feel any affection for the Leone Family in this world. He is a different person with a different life! But that d*mn System gave him a mission about those troubles!

"I should go back to cultivating," Apollo murmured as he closed his eyes, crossed his legs, and started practicing the Simple Breathing Technique. If he wanted to finish his mission, he had to reach the 4-step Foundation Building stage. And he had to do it one or two weeks before the mission deadline. Or else!

Thunder rumbled through the clouds above, casting an electrifying brilliance over the streets of Klown City.

His mind soon entered a dark world where there was only him and the Qi around. His worries about the restaurant beside him disappeared. He believed that once they adhered to the journal he wrote, they wouldn't lose to Skyline Savory. Hopefully, they would let him go and not bother him anymore. Well, even if they didn't agree, he still had other plans to ensure he wouldn't lose his beggar spot.


The next morning.

The sound of a door opening echoed, and someone stuck their head outside. She looked at the restaurant in front while pushing her glasses up. She noticed that people were already working inside, setting up tables and wiping the glass windows.

Gail pulled her head back in and walked upstairs to where Filly was.

"Really…" Gail muttered bitterly after opening the door. Filly was slumped over her desk, clearly deep in sleep, evident from her snoring.

Gail walked over to the table and tapped it a few times, causing Filly to jerk awake and look around the room. "W-what time is it?"

"It's 6 am, Miss Filly," Gail said.

"Oh… great…" Filly yawned. She had slept for at most two hours and had to work again. That journal had kept her awake and made her create her future plan. She glanced at the notebook on her table, and her eyes lightened up with hope. If I want to beat Skyline Savory, this is the only solution!

She took a deep breath to calm her mind and recover some of her strength.

"Let's go, we have a lot of work to do!" Filly said, standing up.

"Oh, okay, but what about the workers here? No one is going to manage them," Gail said with worry in her voice.

"Right," Filly slapped her forehead and stopped in her tracks. She went back to her seat and sat down. She thought for a moment before glancing at Gail, then at the journal. That beggar… no, I couldn't call him a beggar. If he has this information and seems to have a cultivation… Perhaps, he's really a wanderer. With this in mind, she decided not to mess with him. Besides, she thought she might need him again.

"Gail, I need you to find me some ingredients," Filly said.

"Okay, tell me, Miss Filly," Gail pushed her glasses up.

"Remember everything I tell you, and promise me that after I tell you these ingredients, you will keep it a secret! Don't tell anyone, not even my father," Filly said, looking at Gail seriously.

Feeling the solemn atmosphere, Gail also became serious. She nodded and put her hand on her chest. "I swear with my life and cultivation, no words will come out of my mouth regarding these ingredients!"

"Good!" Filly smiled before starting to list the common spices and ingredients.

After hearing all the ingredients, Gail couldn't help but tilt her head to the side. She couldn't recognize some of them. Chili? Ginger? Garlic? What are those?

Seeing her confused expression, Filly explained further. "Yeah, I also don't recognize some of them. Regardless, I need you to find them as soon as possible."

"I will do my best!" Gail bowed after saying those words.

"Good. Call the head chef on your way out," Filly ordered, and Gail nodded.

As she waited for the chef, she started reading again. Oh right, I still have to make the chefs take an oath not to reveal all this information, Filly thought.