Warning Bel(Part-1)

Apollo stared at the number on the door before raising his hand and knocking. As the sound echoed, a woman's voice came from the other side.

"Who is it?"

"Ap—Can Deez," Apollo almost said his real name before remembering the alias he had given them. "May I come in?"

"Oh, of course, you can!" Bel shouted.

"Okay, sorry for the intrusion." The Beggar opened the door, and the scent of jasmine immediately wafted toward him. Looking around, he saw that the room was completely different from his. It had undergone a complete makeover; the previous furniture had disappeared and was replaced with new pieces. Where did she get all this? "I didn't know you had the time to decorate your room."

In the middle of the room was a comfortable-looking mat, and sitting cross-legged on it was Bel Helflick, her back to him.

"Gail and Filly helped," Bel explained. "You already know the two, right?"