Getting Ready

The bustling department store is filled with shoppers browsing through racks of clothing and perusing the latest fashion trends. Amongst the crowd, Ben spots his sister Jenny standing in front of a mirror, wearing a vibrant red dress. She seems lost in thought as she scrutinizes her reflection.

Ben steps closer and asks, "Jenny, what is it? What is wrong?"

Jenny looks over at her brother with an uncertain expression and sighs, "Do you like this on me?"

Ben's eyebrows shoot up in surprise before he takes a step back. "Wait, wait a second, is that why you needed me? I thought this was an emergency."

Jenny rolls her eyes playfully and chuckles. "A fashion emergency. I mean, come on, I've never been to a big dance before."

Ben shakes his head in mock disbelief and crosses his arms. "Neither have I."

Jenny explains, "Yeah, but Mom's gone and Dad's allergic to department stores, so I needed someone to help me."

Jenny twirls around to showcase the dress and asks, "Well, what do you think? Does it suit me?"

Ben studies his sister for a moment and then flashes her a warm smile. "Well, you look good, Jen. You do, really."

Jenny's face lights up with excitement as she gazes at herself in the mirror once more. "Thanks. I mean, too bad it's more than our rent but I think I can sew something like it."


Ruby and her brother Elijah headed out on an afternoon, excited to explore the vibrant shops. "We're only going to Wendells for an hour though, I promise. I had a really bad day," Ruby said.

Elijah replied, "Really? Because I had a great day: I took a couple of pills, did a bunch of Rorschach tests and had this green jelly for lunch."

She said,"Mmh, yummy! Why didn't you save me any?"

Ruby's eyes lit up as she spotted her friend Jenny across the street. She nudged Elijah and exclaimed, "Look, there's Jenny! Let's go say hi!" The duo quickly made their way through the crowd and reached Jenny's side.

Jenny saw Ruby and Elijah walking towards them and said, "Oh my gosh, it's Ruby! Hi, Ruby!" Ben panicked and disappeared, hiding behind a rack of dresses while keeping an eye on Ruby.

R greeted Jenny with a wide smile and said, "Hey, Jenny, right?"

J replied with a smile, "Yeah."

R introduced Elijah, saying, "This is my …..Elijah. He's a stylist and personal shopper."

J gestured behind her, noticing Ben was gone, and said, "Hi, um, this is my brother... or..."

R and Jenny both got confused but quickly forgot about it.

R pointed at the vibrant red dress that hugged Jenny's figure beautifully and asked, "So is this your dress for the 'Kiss On The Lips' party?"

J nodded enthusiastically and said, "Yes! I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it! Speaking of that..." Jenny pulled out an envelope from her bag and handed it to Ruby with a flourish. "Here, I made you one during the free period, but if anyone asks where you got it, I know nothing."

R thanked her with a mischievous glint in her eyes before they walked away.

J looked around for Ben and said, "Ben. Ben?" Ruby then turned to Jenny and said, "That dress would look even better in black."

J was surprised but intrigued by Ruby's fashion advice. She hadn't considered black before, but she trusted Ruby and Elijah's fashion instincts and was willing to entertain the idea. "Black. Cool. Thanks!" she said. She believed that they could help her make a bold statement at the party.


Aidan and Noah decided to take a leisurely stroll through the local park, seeking some relaxation and peace of mind. As they made their way along the winding paths, they found a quiet spot to sit down and indulge in their vice of choice – smoking a joint.

A, with his black fluffy hair cascading messily over his forehead, took a deep inhale from the rolled-up treasure. He closed his eyes for a moment to savor the earthy aroma and then exhaled slowly, releasing plumes of fragrant smoke into the warm air. "This is some good stuff," Aidan remarked with a cheeky grin.

Noah, beside him with his blonde hair shining under the golden sunlight, nodded in agreement. "Yeah," he replied, leaning back against the park bench. "I'm gonna need it today. Lucy's mom decided to escape to their country house for the weekend."

As they continued puffing away on their joint, Aidan's dark eyes flickered mischievously towards Noah. They had been friends for years, sharing countless adventures and secrets together.

Aidan himself was no slouch in attractiveness either – beyond his black fluffy hair that seemed to have a personality of its own, he possessed an infectious smile that could light up any room. His lean physique hinted at an active lifestyle that kept him fit without appearing overly muscular.

On the other hand, Noah's blonde hair – subtly tousled as if kissed by the sun itself – framed his face in an effortlessly attractive manner. His easy-going nature made him approachable and friendly, drawing people towards him like moths to a flame. Noah was one of those boys you look at, and while you're looking at them you know they're thinking, That girl can't take her eyes off me, I'm so

hot. Although he didn't act at all conceited about it. He couldn't help being hot—he was born that way. Poor guy.

As they sat there on that park bench with tendrils of laughter escaping their lips alongside curling smoke rings.

it was hard not to notice how hot they both were – not just in terms of physical appeal, but also in the way they radiated charisma and genuine warmth.

Their bodies, relaxed and at ease, reflected the carefree spirit of their friendship. Aidan wore a simple t-shirt that hugged his frame snugly, accentuating his toned arms, while Noah sported a casual button-down shirt that fluttered gently in the breeze, revealing glimpses of his well-defined chest.

Aidan clapped Noah on the back with a grin. "Yeah? Then maybe I should swipe some of my dad's viagra? Or my mom's paxils? Noah, you're finally about to have sex with your girlfiend. It's like you're heading to your execution."

Noah replied "No, man. I'm good."

A: "Talk to Aiden, buddy. You and Lucy have been dating forever, all of a sudden there is a problem?"

N: "There is no problem. It's just... do you ever feel like our whole lives have been planned out for us? That we're just gonna... end up like our parents?"

A: "Man, that's a dark thought."

N: "You know, aren't we entitled to choose... just to be happy?" Noah chuckled and brushed a strand of blonde hair away from his face.

A: "Look, easy, Socrates. What we're entitled to is a trust fund... maybe a house in the Hamptons, a prescription drug problem. Happiness does not seem to be on the menu. So smoke up and seal the deal with Lucy... 'cause you're also entitled to tab that ass."


In the luxurious setting of the Palace Hotel bar, the dimly lit room was adorned with elegant furnishings and a soothing ambiance. Ruby and Lucy, two close friends, sat perched on plush bar stools, enjoying their evening. The clinking of glasses and soft jazz music filled the air as they savored their drinks.

Lucy held her martini glass delicately in her hand, taking small sips as she gazed out at the bustling scene before them. Ruby, always one for empathy and genuine concern, turned to her friend with a gentle smile on her face.

"So, how's your mom doing... with the divorce and everything?" Ruby asked softly, concern etched in her voice.

Lucy sighed as she took another sip of her martini, contemplating how to respond. "Great," she finally replied with a bittersweet smile. "So my dad left her for another man. She's lost 15 pounds, got an eye-lift. It's been good for her."

Ruby's eyes widened slightly in surprise as she absorbed this unexpected revelation. She reached out and placed a comforting hand on Lucy's arm. "I'm really sorry," she said sincerely.

"Yeah, I could tell since you didn't call or write the entire time it was happening," Lucy said, her voice tinged with a mix of disappointment and concern.

Ruby sighed and leaned back against the park bench, her gaze fixed on the distant horizon. "No, I know... I was just... boarding school... it's like.."

Lucy interrupted her friend before she could finish the sentence. She crossed her arms and looked at Ruby, her eyes filled with tears. "I don't even know why you went to boarding school to begin with. Do you know how it felt, calling your house when you didn't show up at school and having your mom say: Mila didn't tell you that she moved to Connecticut?"

Ruby's eyes glistened with tears as she looked into Lucy's genuine eyes "I just... I had to go. I needed to get away from everything. Please just trust me."

"How can I trust you when I feel like I don't even know you." Lucy softened her expression as she looked at Ruby.

Ruby paused for a moment before continuing, her voice filled with regret "Let's fix that. I saw you at school with Katy and the others and I get it. I don't want to take any of that away from you. I just..."

"Because it's just yours to take if you want it?" Lucy tilted her head

Tears streamed down Ruby's cheeks as she shared her deepest feelings with Lucy. "No, that's not what I mean. I... I miss you. I just want things to go back to the way they used to be. You know, walking to school together, dancing on tables at Bungalow, the nights when we were at your mom's country house. You were like my sister... and with our families... we need each other."

"Well, you missed some classic Eleanor Evans melt-downs. If it wasn't such a tragedy it would have been funny. Actually kinda was." 

Ruby showed sympathy and chuckled. "I wish I could have been there."

Lucy then said, "You are here now. I have to meet Noah. I have something special and..."

Ruby interrupted and said, "I don't want to keep you but..." Ruby then hugged Lucy and spoke softly, "I love you, L."

Oh? R and L having a heart to heart.

Lucy replied, "I love you too, M." After this, Ruby left.

Ruby takes Lucy's leftover Martini and empties it in one gulp.

Hmm, why so thirsty, R? You may have won over L for now but we still think you're hiding something.



Jenny sat at her sewing machine, engrossed in her latest creation. The room was filled with colorful fabrics, buttons, and spools of thread, creating an atmosphere of creative chaos. Just as she was about to put the finishing touches on a beautiful dress, Ben entered the room quietly.

"Hey!" he exclaimed, trying to catch his breath. Jenny looked up from her sewing machine and chuckled. "Ah, the invisible man returns. You know, I really had no idea you could move that fast."

Ben smirked and leaned against the wall, "Yeah, well, your fashion emergency was solved, so... I figured my work was done."

Jenny rolled her eyes playfully, "Fashion emergency? More like a minor mishap. But hey, thanks for coming to my rescue." As they exchanged banter and laughter, their conversation abruptly shifted gears when Jenny mentioned someone named Mila.

"Come on, Ben," Jenny said with a mischievous grin. "Ruby said hi to you at her 9th grade birthday party, and you've never forgotten it."

Ben raised an eyebrow curiously, "How could I? She was the only person who spoke to me, and I'm pretty sure she thought I was someone else."

Jenny shrugged sheepishly, "Well, you know, she's actually nice. And if she did know you, I think she would really like you."

B: "I don't know. I think she would be a bit overwhelmed by the glitz and glamour of the Madden lifestyle."

J: "Well, I heard she's living at The Palace Hotel."

B: "Well, my point exactly."

J: "Probably sitting at the bar by herself, sipping martinis... all alone. You know, it's actually kinda sad. Oh, and dad's at the gallery working late." She paused and added with a wink, "He left money for dinner, so I was thinking Indian."

"You know what? I think I'm gonna go out," Ben said, leaving the room.

"Ok, good, 'cause I already ordered, and I only got enough for one," Jenny replied.



As Aiden walks into the bar, his confidence radiates, and his mischievous smile seems to light up the room. His dark hair is styled perfectly, and it adds an air of sophistication to his appearance. He strolls in with a purpose, and his incredible suit fits him like a glove, accentuating his beautiful body. He casually pushes past a group of women, not afraid to make his presence known, and his walk is a perfect combination of suave and swagger.

The man leaned on the bar counter with his elbows. His posture exuded a sense of casual confidence, as if he had all the time in the world and nothing to worry about. "Hello, please." he called out to Ruby, a friendly smile spreading across his face.

Ruby's blonde hair cascades down her back in soft waves, catching the dim light of the bar. As she glances at Aiden, a mix of happiness and sadness flickers across her face - she's thrilled to have her best friend back. She holds her Martini glass with a delicate grip, her fingers tracing the curves of the glass as she takes a slow, careful sip.

A: "I love this town. I'm going to have to tell my parents that the hotel they just bought is serving minors."

Ruby smirks and takes another sip of her Martini. "And if you get a drink they are also serving pigs."

Aiden chuckles, clearly enjoying Ruby's banter. "I love it when you talk dirty."

She laughs as she speaks to him, "You just love it when a girl talks to you." He responds with a sly comment, "Actually, I prefer them when they're not talking."

She chuckles at his wit and says, "Oh, I've missed your witty banter."

A suggests they catch up, saying, "Let's catch up. Take our clothes off, stare at each other." She changes the subject, saying, "What about I just get a bit to eat? I've been drinking on an empty stomach." He teases her, saying, "I heard you didn't do that anymore." Ruby explains, "Special occasion."

A then suggests a grilled cheese with truffle oil, knowing her love for truffles, "Well, what about a grilled cheese with truffle oil? You do love truffles?"

but She knows it's not on the menu and tells him so. "Enough to know it's not on the menu"

A playfully responds, "But then I'm connected."

R quips back, "Only because I'm hungry."