The bustling city street was alive with the sound of honking taxi cars as Lucy made her way down the sidewalk, her black dress hugging her every curve and hip sway. The dress was sleeveless and adorned with a tiara on her head and some bangs, making her look like a queen on a mission. Black glasses framed her face, which was made even more stunning by the jewels and pearls around her neck, ears, and wrists, all sparkling in the sunlight. Her black gloves, which reached up to her elbows, added a touch of elegance to her already stunning ensemble.

As she walked, Lucy's heart sank as she saw Ruby sitting on a chair with Isabell and Katie, all of them wearing matching maid dresses and laughing merrily. Ruby's beautiful black dress, adorned with elegant lace and intricate embroidery, made Lucy feel a twinge of envy and sadness, causing a frown to form on her face. It seemed like Ruby always had everything she wanted - Lucy's spot, her friends, and now even the dress that Lucy had been eyeing for weeks. As Ruby noticed Lucy's presence, she waved at her while smirking, making Lucy feel even more upset and small.

Hi, the Upper East Siders. There's nothing people like more than surprises. And we see the 2 in1 formula enjoyed by Lucy Evans: her mother Eleanor who has just returned from Paris and Ruby Hart lunching with girlfriends.

The table in front of them was covered with tea and cupcakes, teapots, and a plate, all of which looked inviting. Lucy turned her attention to the safety officer and tried to walk in, but he stopped her, saying, "Sorry, you're not on the list." He lifted his hand to her, and his head drooped a little. This made Lucy furious and sad at the same time. "Of course, I am! This is my dream!" she exclaimed, holding a cup and a paper to her chest. The safety officer continued to make her upset, saying, "Not anymore," which broke Lucy's heart. She looked at him with sad eyes, and it looked like she was about to cry.

Suddenly, Lucy woke up, realizing that it was all just a dream. She sat up in bed, her long, messy hair framing her face. She heard a noise downstairs and decided to get up and get ready, putting on her robe and heading down to investigate.

As Lucy descends the stairs, her hand grips onto the glistening pole tightly. Her eyes are heavy with exhaustion, but the sight of Ruby and her mother having a conversation piques her interest. The two of them are sipping on tea and indulging in some scrumptious cupcakes, while Lucy's gaze wanders around the room, taking in the plethora of dresses hanging from every corner.

As she approaches them, Ruby greets her with a warm "Hey! You're standing." Lucy, caught off guard, stands there with a perplexed expression, "We had something planned?" she questions. However, before she can receive a response, Eleanor interrupts her, "Honey, it's rude to interrupt. I was just telling Ruby that Bendel is interested in the shelving of my line."

Lucy takes a seat next to Ruby, removing a piece of croissant from the table. "Really?" she exclaims, "Why didn't you say anything?" Eleanor is discussing her fashion line, saying, "I came back to Paris early enough to meet my book, and if they like what they see, it could be the start of a complete collection lifestyle." Meanwhile, Lucy is attempting to eat a croissant. "More people should be like you, Mom," she says. But before she can take a bite, her mother interrupts, saying "Before you bite into that, you should have some 0% yogurt."

Lucy's spirits dampen a little, but she's familiar with her mother's ways and says nothing. Instead, she looks over at Ruby, who is indulging in a delicious cupcake. Ruby soon gets up to examine the dresses, and Lucy takes the opportunity to complain to her mother, "I lost a pound during your absence..."

Her mother glances at her up and down, clearly unhappy with the comment, "And you are wonderful," she says sarcastically. Meanwhile, Ruby picks up a stunning grey dress with beautiful flowers designed by Eleanor. "They are lovely, Ms. Evans," Ruby exclaims, admiring the dress.

Eleanor gets up with her teacup, "Well, they will be if they are not offended by the trip," she says while gesturing towards Ruby to move her legs to let her pass. While Ruby is trying to pick strawberries with a fork, "Eleanor approaches Ruby and says, "Honey, please wait until everything is unpacked before coming back." She walks closer to Ruby, admiring her and touching her dress. "I would love to know your opinion. You have a beautiful style. Good for you," she compliments her.

Ruby smiles and looks at Lucy, "Thank you, but it will not be possible. Lucy and I have plans today." Lucy, who is busy munching on a strawberry, looks up at Ruby, "We do?" she asks, confusion etched on her face.

Ruby and Lucy may have projects today, but Noah and Aiden are overbooked for all weekend ... if they survive.

As Aiden crossed the room, his eyes caught sight of a stunning golden watch sitting on a nearby table. He picked it up gently, admiring the intricate details etched into its surface. "From Piaget," he murmured, speaking with reverence. This watch was more than just an accessory to him - it was a symbol of his success and hard work.

Aiden was dressed in a black vest, a t-shirt, and a pink and white patterned turtleneck. He wore a pair of black Hancock-style shoes that added a touch of sophistication to his overall appearance. As he made his way toward the small vault in the corner of the room, his friend Noah moved around curiously.

"You can't just call it a watch?" Noah asked, sounding confused.

Aiden chuckled, a playful glint in his eyes. "If it costs more than 10 grand, it deserves its own name," he replied, placing the watch carefully inside the vault. Noah picked up a baseball, encased in a glass container, and raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

"And that?" he asked, pointing to the ball.

Aiden smiled, his eyes sparkling with pride. "Especially that. The ball Babe Ruth hit for a home run - the best one ever," he said, placing it carefully beside the watch in the vault. He locked the vault with his key, muttering, "Better safe than sorry," and then placed the key under a decoration.

As they settled back onto the couch, they heard a knock on the door. Noah raised an eyebrow, and Aiden's smile widened. "Here we go!" he exclaimed, excitement coursing through his veins. He points a finger at Noah. 

Boys swarmed into the room, filled with excitement and energy. The bar was stocked with beers and alcohol, as well as fruits and sweets, creating a tempting spread for the attendees. Laughter and chatter filled the room, making it clear that this was going to be a moment to remember. However, upon entering the room, one may notice something peculiar – there were only a few women in the midst of all the chaos.

As the boys mingled and enjoyed their drinks, some made their way to the bar to chat with the women stationed there. Others were already partying, indulging in the carefree atmosphere. Aiden, a tall and confident boy, walked towards two women in black dresses without sleeves. They were both pretty blondes, with narrow hips and a certain air of elegance. One of them offered Aiden a drink, which he accepted with a smile. He then proceeded to jump on a table, capturing the attention of the entire room.

Standing on the table, Aiden raised his voice and exclaimed, "You survived the week and Ivy has fortunately gained entry to a ticket to the school of your choice. Now, let's not ruin this chance." He smiled, holding up his drink before continuing, "Let me remind you of the rules. From now on, the only outside world is the one I showed you. You eat what I give you and you do what I tell you. And until further notice, the only girls whom you speak to are the ones I paid for." The boys erupted in laughter, with wide smiles on their faces. Aiden then spread his arms out and exclaimed, "The weekend of debauchery begins!" With a sly smirk, he added, "No consequences – no regrets."

As Aiden's words hung in the air, the boys dispersed to enjoy the rest of the night. Some approached the blonde girls, continuing their conversation earlier. Others headed to a corner to play poker with a hot black girl dealing out the cards. And of course, some were busy drinking and flirting with the women at the bar.

Aiden, on the other hand, couldn't take his eyes off the blonde girls' round, mesmerizing figures as they danced to the music. The boys around him were equally captivated, entranced by their smooth movements and perfect bodies. The blonde girls danced with their hips swaying, their hair flowing in slow motion as they ran their fingers through it. Another blonde girl was perched on a table, dancing like a seductive stripper with a figure that could give any Victoria's Secret model a run for their money. The boys couldn't control their excitement, catcalling and yelling out comments like, "Damn!" "Woohoo!" and "Look at that fine girl!"

The music continued to blast, setting the perfect mood for this wild moment ahead. That sexy blonde girl is dancing in front of four guys and offering her ass to one of them. She is the center of attention, with her body being the main focus of the four guys. As she moves up and down, twerking her ass, she exudes confidence and a sense of control over her sexuality. She owns her body and uses it to captivate the male onlookers. She is that girl.

The boys, on the other hand, are unable to take their eyes off her. They are mesmerized by her movements, and their expressions show a mixture of awe, desire, and lust. As the girl continues to dance, one of the boys slaps her ass and exclaims, "Oh, it's big." She continues to dance, her hands and hips moving in sync with the beat, showcasing her confidence and assertiveness. She is not dancing for the boys' pleasure; she is dancing for herself, and they are mere spectators in her performance. 

As the door opened, a young boy walked in, and he looked a bit disheveled, as if he had just woken up from a nap on the street. But as he approached, it became clear that he was not homeless, just dressed in odd brown clothes.

Aiden, who was already seated, looked at him with a disappointed gaze but then smirked. "Who brought the yeti?" Noah, who was standing next to him, replied, "Isn't that Carter Hudson?"

Carter put his bag on the floor and picked up some grapes to eat. Noah continued to speak while smiling, "I haven't seen him since last year when he was in the fifth grade. He looks serious."

Noah sipped his drink and looked at Aiden, who looked disgusted and said, "Are you high?" then turned his attention to Carter. "Looks like Matthew McConaughey between movies, it's a loser." He then turned his attention to Noah and whispered, "Listen, someone who changes his investment fund for a fanny pack is shattered all that is holy to Aiden Woodbury."

They all laughed and smiled at each other, but Carter noticed them and walked towards them, saying, "Noah Whitlock, is that you?" Noah stepped closer to him, about to hug him, "Hudson, my man! I heard that you had become a rogue!"

They smiled, "And I'm here to talk about it," Carter said, tapping on Noah's shoulder, while Aiden behind Noah looked disappointed and rolled his eyes.

They laughed and laughed, and Aiden continued to give a disgusted look without them noticing it.

It looks like someone did not anticipate the intruder. Doesn't Aiden know parties? a party isn't a party until someone crashes.

Lucy and Ruby strolled down the bustling New York street, their arms full of shopping bags and their outfits impeccable. Lucy wore a stunning white headband that contrasted with her black, red, and white dress, which was adorned with circles from chest to ankle. She paired it with black tights and white and black shoes that added a touch of elegance to her outfit. Ruby, on the other hand, wore a blue vest over her brown sleeveless t-shirt, grey pants, and yellow boots. She carried a brown bag and some golden jewels that glinted in the sunlight. 

As they walked, they caught the attention of a couple of men who couldn't help but give Ruby flirty glances. Lucy rolled her eyes at their attempts, and Ruby chuckled softly. "My god, I forgot what it was like to be with you," Lucy said. Ruby corrected her with a gentle hand gesture and a shake of her head. "No, they looked at us both," she said, gesturing towards the men behind them who were still staring.

Lucy's frustration was palpable as she spoke. "Don't insult me. It's been like this all morning, starting with your lovely visit with my mother. She tried to defend her mother's actions, "She was busy. She hurried back and everything. Because she wanted to see you." Lucy wasn't convinced, "She didn't even wake me up." Ruby tried to explain, "Well, you know how Eleanor feels about Beauty rest." but Lucy was having none of it. She sighed "She likes you more than me," she said, her voice laced with annoyance.

Ruby shook her head, trying to reassure her. "She does not. You're her daughter. She doesn't like anyone more than you. She just, I don't know, doesn't know how to show it sometimes." The two women stopped walking and looked at each other, their emotions written on their faces.

Finally, They had reached their destination, a shop that caught Lucy's eye. Lucy spoke up "Okay, I'm going inside. Wait for me. I'll be right back." she said before disappearing into the store, her tone was curt. Ruby stood outside, looking around at the bustling city and taking in the sounds and smells of New York.

She spotted Ben on the other side. Without hesitation, she smiled and screamed out his name, 'Madden! Ben! Hey!' catching his attention. Ben, a bit surprised, pointed at her with his finger and responded with a loud 'Hey!' while Ruby continued to wave at him.

This unexpected reunion brought a smile to both of their faces. Ruby exclaimed, 'Oh my god, this is what I love about this city. You're always bumping into people.' This is one of the many things that make New York City so special – the sense of community and constant connection with others.

Curious about why Ben was in the area, Ruby asked, 'What are you doing here?' as Ben made his way towards her. He replied, 'Oh, I'm just on my way back from my mom's. Dropping Jenny off up in Hudson.' Ruby nodded, while he continued, 'Picked up a couple of Cubans for me and my dad.' He showed her the bag and clarified, 'Sandwiches, not cigars.' while looking a bit confused.

Ruby couldn't help but laugh and chuckle at the mix-up. Ben smiled, glad to have made her laugh. 'Hey, uh, remember you said we could get together sometime and, um, not talk? I was just wondering is it sometime yet?' Ruby asked Ben. He tilted his head, trying to remember. Before he could respond, Lucy interjected, 'That was disgusting. The DOH should shut them down.' Ruby's eyes widened, wondering what Lucy was talking about.

'The bathroom?' Ruby asked, thinking that was what Lucy was referring to.

'No, the people,' Lucy replied with a disgusted face. 'It's called Nolita, not no showers.' She then turned to Ben and asked, 'What are you doing here?' while giving him a once-over. 'Do I smell pork?' Lucy asked with a disgusted look on her face, her nose wrinkling in disapproval. She turned to Ben, who was looking at his bag in confusion. She continued, 'And cheese? What is that smell?'

Ben was at a loss for words as he switched his gaze between Lucy and Ruby. Lucy, not one to hold back her opinions, said to Ruby, 'Okay, well, when you're done with your charity work, why don't you come find me?' Her tone was sly, almost taunting. 'I'll be at Tory Burch looking at ponchos.'

He rolled his eyes in frustration and turned to Ruby. 'Isn't that the girl who told the entire school, and several colleges, that you had a drug problem?' he asked. Ruby nodded, looking sheepish. 'Yeah, but you know Lucy can be a little...Lucy,' she replied with a shrug.

Ben chuckled, 'Yeah, yeah.' Ruby went on to explain, 'We're actually trying to work things out. Today is our first day hanging out together alone.' Ben teased her, 'Ooh?' They both laughed and Ruby played along, 'Ooh, so I should probably get back.'

Ben gestured with his hand, 'Yeah, yeah, sure.' Ruby smiled and said, 'Yeah,' before walking away. But the conversation wasn't quite over. She turned back and added, 'But, um, call me sometime so we can get together and do that thing you didn't ask me to do.' Ben nodded, a small smile forming on his face as they both went their separate ways.

Sitting at the bar, Noah turned to Carter and asked, 'So I don't understand, the last time I saw your sister. She said your family had locked you out and you'd fallen off the face of the earth.'

Carter took a sip of his drink before replying, 'I didn't. I just fell off the face of theirs. But once you turn away from money, you see it doesn't buy you freedom, it pays for your prison.'

Aiden rolled his eyes and looked away while Noah nodded at Carter, interested in hearing more. Carter continued, 'They say I disappeared but all I did was break out.'

Noah's curiosity was piqued as he asked, 'Where'd you go?' Carter replied with a smile, 'Where didn't I? I aided the cleanup post-Katrina.' Noah was surprised while hearing him. 'Spent a year rebuilding Machu Picchu which, let me tell you, changed my life.' Carter said and nodded, 'Yes, and then I bought an HD cam and started filming it for a documentary--'

Aiden interrupted him, his tone laced with annoyance, 'You're the guy who gave us our first joint, snuck us into our first club, and you're gonna tell me the life of a Youtube filmmaker is better than this?'

Carter looked down and shrugged, accustomed to Aiden's disapproval. Aiden kept going while being mad, 'You invented the Lost Weekend.'

It was clear that Aiden had a deep hatred for Carter. Noah tried to diffuse the tension by saying, 'Hey, who cares about a party when you can travel the world?'

But Aiden just rolled his eyes and retorted, 'Exactly, in the real world, the only thing that matters is who you are, not what you own.'

Aiden ignored Carter's words and continued, 'As much as I love the speech, about not needing material things from a guy who has that much product in his hair.' He laughed and Carter chuckled, letting it slide.

Aiden then exclaimed, 'This party is about excess, not exposition. Stop talking. Start partying.' He gestured towards the wild and lavish party going on around them. He found himself flanked by two blonde girls. He put his arms around their waist and said with a smirk, 'Now here is something that doesn't need material. As a matter of fact, it's about to come off.' He playfully touched their dresses and rested his head on one of the girl's shoulders. With a glint in his eye, he turned to the group and asked, 'Who's with me?' Carter exchanged a knowing look with Noah. Noah replied with a chuckle, 'I think I'm just gonna hang here for a bit.' Aiden's smile faltered for a moment before he retorted, 'Fine. I'd hate to break up a matched set anyway.'

As Aiden wandered off to find new company, Carter turned to Noah and suggested, 'How about we continue this over some cards? None of this crap these kids are playing. Texas Hold 'em is dead.' They both laughed at the suggestion and Carter continued, 'You know, I'll show you some real action. You know what? I'm in this weekly game, in this, uh corner in Queens. It goes on all night. It's the real deal. High stakes, big money, people with the kind of stories that would put mine to shame.'

Noah listened intently, his interest piqued. He took a sip from his drink as Carter finished his pitch with a sly smile, 'You should...you should come.' Noah couldn't resist the excitement in Carter's voice and replied with a smile, 'Yeah.' Carter's grin widened and he repeated, 'Yeah.'

In the apartment, Eleanor, while discussing the incident with her assistant Laurel, remarked, 'This one missed her cue at the Chloe show because she was throwing up a pear.'

Despite the unfortunate incident, Eleanor's designs have caught the attention of two young girls, Ruby and Lucy. The two girls are enamoured by Eleanor's creations and cannot wait to try on every outfit in her collection. Eleanor's apartment has been transformed into a bustling business hub, with dresses and workers scattered everywhere. As the girls excitedly try on different outfits, Eleanor keeps talking, 'I don't use Vera's models. None of these are right.'

Laurel suggests, 'Well, that's because you're looking at the high fashion book. When you should be looking for a new face. You know, someone who looks good in your clothes.' She opens a book filled with models and points out, 'Someone in this book, like I told you.' Eleanor, who is known for her strong opinions, dismisses the suggestion, 'I hate the American apparel effect.'

Meanwhile, Ruby and Lucy continue to play dress-up, with each outfit they try on becoming their new favourite. Laurel interjects again, 'But they're closer to what you need. They're-they're now they're hip.' Eleanor, who is known for her perfectionism, suggests, 'If this person is supposed to represent Evans designs, you have to find someone...worthy of the clothes.' As she speaks, her hands are visibly shaking. Laurel nods in agreement and says, 'Yeah.'

Eleanor looks around the room, trying to find the perfect model for her designs. Her eyes fall upon Ruby and Lucy, who are laughing and having the time of their lives. She realizes that they are the perfect representation of the Evans lifestyle. With a proud smile, she says, 'Someone like...my daughter.'

Lucy rolls her eyes at her mother's compliment but cannot hide her smile. Laurel, who knows Eleanor's love for her daughter, says, 'Well, why not her? You want your line to represent the Evans lifestyle. Who's better to represent you than one of your own family?' pointing out to Ruby.

Ruby overhears their conversation and gets upset for Lucy. She drags Lucy to their conversation and excitedly says, 'She'd love to!' Lucy, still confused, asks, 'I would?' But Ruby's infectious energy and Eleanor's encouraging smile were enough to convince her. Laurel, who sees the potential in Lucy, turns to Eleanor and says, 'Eleanor?' Eleanor, who is already looking at her daughter with pride and admiration, says, 'Yes.' Laurel then turned to Eleanor and said, 'Eleanor, meet the new face of Evans for Bendel's.' Lucy's eyes widened in surprise and a smile slowly spread across her face. Ruby, not being able to contain her excitement, cheered for Lucy and said, 'Yay!' while clapping her hands.

Eleanor kept nodding with satisfaction, clearly pleased with the choice. Lucy, feeling like a princess, turned around to take in the moment. She couldn't believe her luck.

Is that a smile we see on L's lips? The spotlight's on her for once and R actually helped her get it. I guess miracles can happen.