A different road

"Is there no choice?"

Ye Tian looked at the mountainous meat eggs in front of him, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Do I have to become an ugly monster like my teacher?"

Ye Tian's mind recalled the strange phenomenon when Zhou Yun once broke through the realm, and the ugly faces of the sect elders. He gently squeezed his fists.

He also thought of the rotten Buddha statues in the Jiulong Temple.

"Is it destined to become a monster if you want to cultivate in this world?"


A meat egg rolled off the ground from above and rolled all the way to Ye Tian's feet.

Ye Tian bent down and picked up the meat egg, staring intently at the crawling flesh on it.

A bold idea rose in his heart.

"Perhaps, the core of the monster that the cultivators in this world become after laying the foundation is this meat egg foundation pill."

"This meat egg is the seed, and the cultivator's human body is the soil. The egg uses the human body as the soil, and the cultivator draws the essence of heaven and earth to refine the spiritual power, which becomes the nourishment for the meat egg to grow into a larva!"

"The so-called Qi refinement is to cultivate oneself, making oneself the most suitable soil for the growth of this monster larva!"

Ye Tian, who thought of this, raised another question in his heart.

"So, are those cultivators who merge with the meat eggs monsters reborn by borrowing bodies, or are they fused by cultivators?"

"Are they still themselves?"

"Am I destined to become a monster like them, with no choice at all?"

"Why is my teacher so obsessed with my realm breakthrough?"

Ye Tian's thoughts turned again, and he thought of Feng Bujue who had preyed on the disciples of Qingcheng Temple.

"Does he want me to grow up quickly and devour me?"

Thinking of this, Ye Tian slightly tightened his grip, crushing the meat egg in his hand, and the green juice dripped onto the fleshy wall under his fingers.

Looking at the green juice dripping from between his fingers, Ye Tian's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Perhaps, it's not that there is no choice."

He looked up at the mountain of meat eggs, and a bold idea appeared in his mind.

"If what I think is true, people in this world use the foundation pill as the seed and their own bodies as the soil to condense the foundation and step into the foundation realm."

"Then the so-called foundation is the larva itself of this meat egg. Whether it can be successfully integrated with itself is the factor that determines the success of laying the foundation!"

"The more foundation pills, the more larva choices, and the higher the success rate of laying the foundation!"

"If I don't use this meat egg as the foundation, but use the traditional method to lay the foundation, what will happen?"

Ye Tian's thoughts flowed in his mind, recalling the methods of laying the foundation in the cultivation novels he had read in his previous life.

"Compress the Qi sea and condense the foundation."

"Since the foundation of this world is the larva of this meat egg itself, these meat eggs must contain the heavenly principles of the foundation!"

"In other words, even if there are no damn principles, they must be great nourishing substances!"

"I don't use them as seeds, but use them as food, draw energy from them, irrigate my whole body, condense the foundation in my body. With so many foundation pills, I don't believe that I can't build a foundation!"

Thinking of this, Ye Tian's breathing became rapid, and his fists were tightly clenched.

In the oral accounts of the sect elders and disciples, when taking the traditional foundation pill, it is necessary to swallow it completely in order to release its medicinal power. His action was unprecedented!

It can be said that it is a very risky move!

Whether it will succeed or not is unknown!

It may even lead to death and disappearance of the Way!

But Ye Tian recalled the monstrous appearance of his teacher and the sect elders, and he couldn't bear to become such a monster against his conscience.

"I'll take the risk!"

Determination flashed in Ye Tian's eyes, and he sat cross-legged in front of the mountain of meat eggs, reaching out and grabbing a handful of meat eggs, stuffing them into his mouth!

The moment the meat eggs entered his mouth, they were immediately crushed by him, and the green juice exploded in his mouth, flowing down his throat towards his stomach!

The moment the juice entered his body, a powerful energy exploded from it, exploding in Ye Tian's stomach!

Ye Tian quickly closed his eyes, circulated the spiritual energy around his body, and guided these energies to flow into his limbs and hundreds of veins!

When these energies were introduced into his body, they actually blended slowly into his flesh, blood, and bones, nourishing them!

"It works!"

"It really works!"

Feeling the feedback from his body, Ye Tian opened his mouth full of green juice and laughed loudly, with excitement in his eyes.

"Teacher, since you want me to lay the foundation, then I will lay the foundation, a foundation that you can't imagine!"

"Build a foundation that has never been seen before in the cultivation world!"

Ye Tian's eyes were full of excitement. He reached out and grabbed another handful of meat eggs, chewing them vigorously!

Handful by handful, the meat eggs were grabbed into his mouth, turned into streams of energy, and guided into his limbs and hundreds of veins!

His aura around his body became more and more powerful, and a very strange energy emanated from his body!

"Eat! Eat!"

As he chewed, Ye Tian didn't realize that his state was becoming more and more frantic!

Under his guidance, the vitality and strength of his body had reached an extremely astonishing level. Countless foul and black dirt was squeezed out of his pores!

His body underwent earth-shaking changes, and his skin became as smooth as jade, and his muscles and bones were countless times harder than before!

With the nourishment of the powerful energy of the foundation pills, he could even compete with some foundation artifacts in terms of physical strength alone!

That's not enough, he also used Qi as a guide to start condensing the foundation in his body!

An extremely mysterious aura emanated from his body and spread into the surrounding heavens and earth!


Countless dark clouds gathered towards the top of Qingcheng Mountain from all directions!

The disciples who were competing in the square all stopped their actions at this moment and looked up at the sky.

In front of the dan room, Chen Su opened his eyes from meditation, stood up, put one hand behind his back, and his eyes were full of brilliance.

"Here it comes!"

A figure appeared beside him.

"Chen Su, by doing this, you may bring yourself and the entire Qingcheng Mountain to ruin."

Hearing this, Chen Su's eyes were full of relaxed expression.

"It doesn't matter!"

"When I accepted him as a disciple, oh no, when I accepted him as a student, I had already prepared for today!"

Hearing Chen Su's response, the figure was somewhat stunned.

"Is it worth sacrificing so much for a student?"

Hearing the question, Chen Su turned his head and looked at the figure.

"This question shouldn't come from you."

"You came to Dayin this time just to fulfill a promise, regardless of life and death. Is it worth it?"

Upon hearing this, the figure fell into silence, along with Chen Su, looking up at the gradually darkening sky.

"The wind has picked up."

The strong wind suddenly blew, causing the surrounding leaves to flutter and rustle!

Under the dim sky, the two figures stood side by side, with a desolate back.

"It's getting windy."