Chapter 52 Talk in the Night Part 01.

Under the veil of night, the world cast aside its shine and began to show its dark side. The time turned still for a moment as the radiant moon that hung above the sky cast its soft glow illuminating the maze with its silver shine. A myriad of stars scattered in the endless dark sky like precious gems accompanied by the lone moon that shone brightly with its round surface. The shimmering light from the beautiful night sky brings peace and a tranquil mind to those who witness it.

However, that peace did not happen in the space where the two individuals were sitting on the folded chair while watching the silver kettle that sat upon the blazing shine of fire.

Soma and Hina were sitting face to face while waiting for the kettle whistle. There was no conversation as they kept their mouths shut all day after Soma suggested they should take a rest for the day.

He raised his head and saw Hina with a melancholic expression on her face blankly staring at the crackling fire that kept burning the surface of the kettle drowned in her thoughts. "What is on her mind?". Soma muttered.

Hina was indeed a person who held a deep problem in her heart. But he still wasn't sure if the problem she was facing now was the problem he was known for, as he read it inside the novel. Because the character named Hina in the novel and Hina before him were two separate figures.

Soma realized that it was his fault that brought change to her personality and he felt no remorse for what he did. But, because of that, he couldn't depict what sort of problems she is facing now.


The sound of a whistle from the kettle brought his attention back as he saw the hole in the kettle radiate a vapor that indicated the water inside had reached a boiling temperature.

"..Do you want some cocoa?".

"..I'll take one".


Soma took two silver cups and two instant cocoa drinks then prepared the drink for them to enjoy under the watchful gaze of the crowded night sky.

"Here you go".


Hina holds the handle of the cup coated with rubber. She closed the cup before her small dry lips for she never took care of it because of the environment she was in, but it still retained its pink color asking to be plucked.

White steam emerged from the hot drink in her cup. She began to blow the steam away to chase away the heat before taking a sip.

", It's warm".

Soma, who was also taking a sip, kept his gaze firm at Hina. He put down the cup in his hands beside his seat and opened his mouth.

"What is the thing that troubles you, Hina?".

Hina's body stiffened for she never thought that Soma would ask something like that out of the blue. She raised her head and met her eyes with Soma. Seeing the unwavering gaze from him made her heart stir even more.

She clenched her hands holding the cup.

"I don't know what you are talking about,".


Soma cut Hina's excuse. He put his hands together interwetten it together and opened his mouth once more.

"..Tell me!".

Hina's body jerked as she saw the serene eyes that stared into her soul. She gulped her saliva and her mouth began to flap. But, no words came out as if it was stuck in her throat.

It seems the wall around her heart still stands firmly. So, Soma began to take another approach. The thing that will open another person's heart is to start with opening themselves first. He closed his eyes and began to recall the memories of Soma in this world.

With his enhanced brain, his mind begins to replay the scene from years ago that is buried deep in the corner of his brain.

The scene where he spent his time with his deceased parents was full of smiles and then the crucial moment happened.

The rainbow color of memory faded and it was replaced by a bleak gray color, with the rolling head that had empty eyes staring at his beings. While recalling the memories he unconsciously leaks a bit of his murderous intent.

Soma with his closed eyes clenched his hands and gritted his teeth tightly so that it alarmed Hina who sat in front of him.

"Soma, what happened?".

Hina, who was worried about his condition, put away the cocoa in her hands and began to raise her body trying to reach out to him. But his face soon faded into its normal state. Then his closed eyes began to open up showing its calm ripple.

"Are you okay?".

"..My parents are Dead".

Those words echo in the wide space where the two themes are present. Hina who heard the words stiffened her body while opening her eyes wide. Soma noticed that he caught her attention, and began to start telling her his story. About who he is, where he comes from, and the time where he is changed.

"They died in a car accident right in front of my eyes".

Hina gasped as she listened to the monologue Soma told to her.

"..So the reason for me rescuing your parents at that time was... I don't want the same thing to happen again. The thing is when there is someone in front of me who is in danger and I can't do anything about it. I just don't want another person to suffer because of the loss of their loved ones, that's all. I don't have any ulterior motives to approach your family to gain something".

The space turns eerily silent. The warm wind began to show itself as they grazed both their skin.

"..Huh? Are you an Idiot? Who in their right mind dare to save some unknown people with a life on the line. Are you crazy?".

Hearing Hina's sudden outburst brought a small smile to his lips, as he chuckled and made Hina knit her brows in annoyance.

"Why are you laughing?".

"..Nothing I just, I am glad my stories could get your attention, and because of that you could regain your spirit".

"Wha,,?! You are really an idiot".

"It seems so. But, what I say is the truth. So Hina tell me what's on your mind. I just didn't like the cloud that obstructed your expression".

Once again Soma stared directly at Hina's eyes. Hina, who was being stared at with those red charming calm eyes of his, began to waver but she shook her head to clear the negative impulse that began to emerge in her heart. "In the end, he will betray you again like at that time". "Don't trust strangers". Those statements keep emerging inside her mind, interrupting her thought process. But seeing the sincere eyes before her. She felt conflicted clenched her teeth and decide to bare her feelings once more, then opened her mouth.

"..Can I trust you?".

Soma was taken aback by what Hina was saying. But he soon nodded his head while still maintaining his gaze at her.

"Believe in me"

Hina who received his earnest gaze nodded her head, she began to squeeze her throat.
