Chapter 59 Battling the Storm Wolf Part 04.

Hina felt liberated after the heavy pressure from the vortex vanished, giving her a sense of freedom. Meanwhile, the death battle began to reach its climax above. A raging storm follows Soma while he is launched in mid-air facing the wolf. The wolf sneered, then his body began to shine in silver and the fur around its body stood up.

Hina knitted her brows. After her skill reached an intermediate state, she could feel the concentrated mana around the wolf's body preparing to intercept the attack from Soma. With a sense of foreboding, she opened her mouth.

"No, Soma. Get back!".

However, her sound got swallowed by the following storm that was raging, sending a violent force that could crush a boulder. Soma who could hear the warning from Hina could only proceed with his desperate attempt.

A crackle began to emerge through its fur and suddenly a blinding flash struck Soma's battered body, followed by a crackling of thunder that heated the air, emerging from the wolf's body and sending an indiscriminate attack all over the place.

Soma who received the lightning attack head-on, his eyes were white. As strength began to leave his body, his hands refused to let go of the Katana in his hands.

Hina, who was blinded for a second, closed her eyes. Then, when she opened it she saw a helpless situation where Soma was about to fall to the ground. Raising her hand trying to squeeze a little bit of mana in her body. With a staggering body, Hina grits her teeth, focusing her entire being to gather a tiny bit of mana in her reservoir.

A sudden searing pain assaulted Hina's skull, like a relentless dagger. Rendering her helpless in the intense assaults. With every moment she felt, the agony intensified as her brain was throbbing relentlessly like her brain was torn apart.

Her vision starts to turn red as Hina desperately endures the excruciating pain that assaults her soul. Her face turned white and was stained with red where its seven orifices were bleeding. However, She couldn't let the pain consume her.

The world turns gray as it moves in slow motion. She clenched her raised hand and a spark began to ignite. It formed a cluster of small flames condensing itself before taking the shape of a single arrow pointed above.


Hina with bloodshot eyes roared like a wounded beast, using her thought to command her spell, launching itself in a straight line. But, the arrow was not aimed toward the wolf, instead, it shot upward aimed at Soma's unconscious body.

"..Wake up!".

The arrow struck Soma's unguarded Body as intense heat jolted every nook of his broken nerves in agony and roused his consciousness back.

[Nullifying the pain receptor: Nullifying 100%]

The agony in his body and the splitting headache in his mind vanished like it was a lie. Soma currently Nullyfied the pain receptor in his system making him a walking zombie who knows no pain nor fear of his own well-being. There is only one thing that occupies his thoughts. It was to kill the enemies in front of him.

With white eyes, Soma, who was losing altitude, spun in mid-air and regained his foothold while opening his mouth.


The boots on his feet glowed then a magic circle appeared below his sole feet giving him a foothold to launch himself.

Hina, who had no other option in waking him up, could only take that extreme measure. Upon seeing the success of waking him up, her heart is being burdened by the guilt she had done. The fatigue and injury she sustained loosened the tension in her body. Her limbs went limp, but she kept her gaze up trying to witness the final moment of the battle.

"Finished it!!".

Soma who regained consciousness now shot upward toward the wolf who was coated with lightning around its body. Every time Soma got closer the wolf sent a dozen waves of electricity that scorched his skin black.

[Nullifying pain 100%]

However, because of the skills Adapt he had. The pain that should have assaulted him was nullified, as he kept relentlessly shooting forward while bathed in lightning.



Again the katana in his hands shook and it greedily sucked the surrounding mana and air into the blade. Compressed it into a single point, making the space around the blade tremble, because of the intensity of the power it created.

Soma, who already closed the distance with the wolf, swings the katana in a diagonal line. His tearing and scorched flesh sent a splash of red blood in mid-air raining downward. Then, the world turned still as time stopped, and a diagonal line began to form following the path where the blade traces, like an illusion the world felt like it had been split apart in front of his eyes before it returned to a normal state.


The wolf who saw all of that happen in a single moment of his life, felt fear for the first time since he was born. The figure of the two humans who challenged the impossible was truly opening its eyes toward the world. But alas he realized that he was just a byproduct of the Gate, that couldn't taste the fresh taste of freedom air the outside world gave. From his neck, a bloody line began to appear before its head pulled by gravity dropped and signaling the end of the battle.


[You gained 500 Exp]

[Exp: 1806/200]

The Katana, who already finished its job, shattered into tiny shards that blew by the winds creating small glittering stars that danced in the air. Soma' who lost consciousness after finishing his mission, collided his body with the wolf.

Soma, who was pulled by gravity, fell in high altitude, but luckily his body was cushioned by the remaining body of the wolf. So he doesn't take much damage from the fall.

Hina, who witnessed Soma's body lay on the ground sighs in relief. The body of the wolf glowed before it broke into tiny particles that scattered in the air leaving a huge Red mana core that was as big as a basketball. Then the floating particles of light began to gather at a certain point before it took shape into a silver box.

However, Hina has no time to witness such a sight as her attention keeps pointing at the Soma figure who is letting a lot of blood create a puddle below him.

"Please make it!".

Hina took two bottles of potion from her storage rings before downing all of them in a single breath.

[High-grade Health potions consumed]

[Health recovered 70%]

[High-grade Mana potion consumed]

[Mana recovered 70%]

The searing pain that assaulted both her physique and mind began to subside as she regained a bit of clarity. Her face regained its vigor but the strength in her body was still not returned fully. She grits her teeth trying to raise her body to stand, staggering on her feet. Hina firmly places her foot in front and walks towards him.

As she got closer her expression turned more grave with each step she took. She saw Soma's pale body full of injuries. His hands, and muscles were torn apart as they excreted a lot of blood, his skin was scorched black from the lightning that struck him.

Hina's heart began to palpate in nervousness. She dropped to her knees beside Soma bathing her feet in red, but she didn't care about that right now.

"..No, Soma please, wake up!".

She grabbed Soma's shoulder and shook his body gently, but no response came out so she flipped his body slowly facing the sky, and her eyes bawled. Her mind began to turned blank as his skin were cold to the touch. Hina's heart tighten in pain, she brought Soma's cold body closer to her embrace, when her ears caught the faint warmth that came from his mouth.

That faint warmth gave her brain a pang of relief that Soma was still there. She took the potions in her storage rings and opened the green potion before spilling it into his mouth. But, Hina could not see his throat moving, for Soma didn't have any strength to do it.

Without any further way. Hina took the whole potion in her mouth and then placed their lips together. She used her tongue to pry open Soma's tongue to let the potion enter his throat. As the dam opened the potion began to travel down toward his throat and enter his body.

Hina noticed that, and separated her lips from him as she heard the faint breathing from him becoming stable and his face was starting to regain its vigor. She sighs, all the tension in her body loosened, then not forgetting with the other potion. She opened the lids of the bottle before pouring the contents into his injury.

The potion works effectively as the wounds in his body close and the scorched skin begins to rapidly return to its normal state. However, while his body was being healed. Soma still didn't regain his consciousness and still closed his eyes.

Seeing Soma's state, starts to regain his breath of life. Hina's blurry eyes closed as she put her forehead on Soma's chest. The warmth that spread through her forehead and the sound of his calm heartbeat, starts to resonate with her heartbeat, giving her mind peace. She began to rub her forehead, she couldn't hide her joyous feeling after finding out that Soma was still alive.

"..I am glad you are alive..".

[You received 250 Exp]

[You level up]

[You gained EP +5]

[Exp: 112/160]

[You entered a safe floor]

[Congratulations on clearing the Maze]

[Title: Wolf Slayer acquired]