Chapter 73 Arrived at Ark.

Hina raised her head as she didn't expect Soma to utter those words. It was simple, but Hina couldn't catch up with his thoughts. So she turned his gaze at him and met him in the eyes.

"..There is no need for you to feel burdened about the things that have happened in the past. …At that time, you and I had a different circumstance and a different start. That makes us different in many aspects".

Looking back, Soma has experienced many things since coming to this world, even though his fate has been controlled by some unknown being from the start. However, because of that, he could face the hardship that stood in his way with his head held high.

As for Hina, she was just a little girl who was still trapped in her little world. Not having any experience, strength, or mental capabilities to face those hardships. Moreover, she is the one who should be praised for she managed to grit her teeth, keep marching forward to the danger, and manage to clear the trial.