Chapter 87 Entrance Exam Part 07.

Even after the other candidates returned with their examination, the surrounding air turned deathly silent with a palpable sense of void. Many candidates give the two people who created an uproar earlier multiple types of gaze. One of them is fear and envy toward the boy with black hair who stood imposingly and calmly undeterred by these many hostile gazes that were directed at him, and the other was the gaze of desire and longing toward the now calmed girl with long, straight red hair who stood beside the boy while holding hands.

Many gazes were directed at the two, who now conversed calmly. The boys, in particular, were jealous of Soma's power and luck in having a partner. As for the girls, they look at Soma with dream-like eyes and feel jealous of Hina, who could stand beside him. Without knowing for sure that the two of them still didn't have that kind of relationship.