The bulky teacher extended his right hand forward while pointing his index finger at Soma, who still didn't release his stance. Soma, who received a sudden proposal, twitched his body slightly at first. Still, as he saw his opponent's face flashing his white canines deliberately trying to rouse his fighting spirit, he exhaled and loosened his nerves.
Hina beside him turned to glance at him. In Soma's eyes, Hina could see a flicker of burned amber. With a slight push from some wild wind, it could ignite a spark that would burn his fighting spirit. She also saw a faint grin he had. Those eyes that seemed calm radiated a firm stance that urged him to step forward and accept the challenge. Soma replied with a single nod, and Hina took a step behind as she understood his meaning.
"Okay. Good luck, Soma".
After seeing Soma's determined eyes, Hina understood that he couldn't be disturbed anymore from this point onward.