Chapter 153 Inspect.

After the shocking revelation, Soma receives it at the bottom of the pond. Currently, he is standing on the blackened floor that radiates warmth for his drenched body to take shelter.

"Are you okay, Soma?".

"Yeah, I am fine, just a bit cold, that's all".

"...Sorry, it's because of my selfishness".

"Don't worry about it. This is also a good experience for me, and I obtain something great there".

Hina and Xiao Lian exchange looks as they observe Soma, who proudly shows his bare chest while gazing toward his left palm. There is a symbol of a black diamond, and from what Soma had told them. It was a relic that assimilated with Soma's body and gave him the ability to store any object, regardless of weight and size, in a sub-dimension space that has no limit.