Chapter 166 Battling a Copy Part 02.

Seeing Hina and Xiao Lian, who stood in front of Soma. The copy body stiffened into stone as he stilled, watching them.

"You guys?".

Soma, who watched the two tiny backs he could envelop in his embrace alone, stood tall in front of him, blocking the advance of the copy. His stirred heart and erratic breath ceased to exist.

The hard wall around his heart shattered as he began to ridicule himself for going back on his words. He already spilled everything to Hina and felt so light when she offered him help. However, now and again, Soma tried to shoulder everything alone and almost ended with his defeat.

Seeing the determination from the girl's back, Soma exhaled the distress he felt since the fight and stood up between the two girls. He spreads his lips as he grips his palms before softly whispering. "Guess I am a fool, eh".

"...Hina, Xiao Lian, help me to defeat the copy".