Chapter 180 P.E class.

The sky that once bright shone its glory on the land; currently, it turned mellow and cast a gentle blazing light with orange color across the land, preparing itself to take its rest after greeting the land with its bright smile.

"It has been that long?".

Soma who just stepped his feet into the outside of the academy building. After he spent hours continuing to read in the library, he now bathed his body through its eternal orange light while his hair swayed, being brushed by a warm breeze that calmed his tired mind because of the excessive reading he had.

After finishing the unfinished book from the morning, Soma began to read another book, such as general knowledge and some fiction, so that he wouldn't get bored reading books for hours. The result was quite pleasant in his mind. It really helps him to understand the world he currently lives in. Then, when he came to his senses, almost six hours had passed, he spent on reading.