Chapter 226 Dungeon Time Part 03.

"Everyone, keep your guard up!".

Serafina loudly shouted her order, which made all the girls in the team tense their expressions. Slowly, as she led, the others followed behind, and after they reached the front door, they were faced with a dark room devoid of any life welcoming them.

"Hina, can you please?".

"Yes, Senior".

Hina created a tiny spark before it accumulated into a flame ball as big as her fist. She controlled the spell to float, entering the room, and they saw what room it was, which made them stand speechless.

In the middle of the wide room, a single big brown box decorated with a golden plate gives it a sense of elegance that pleases the eyes of the one who founded it. Everyone present opened their eyes wide in shock. Some of the girls' moods lifted for the joy of finding the treasure box ahead of the other team.

"That is a treasure box".

"Yeah, it seems so".

"Mm, it was indeed a treasure box".