Chapter 235 Farewell.

Soma's eyes suddenly jolted awake as he found himself facing an endless darkness that stretched far away. The gloomy and desolate air that filled the atmosphere made his eyes knit in annoyance, for he knew where this place actually was.

"Yo, Good morning".

A mocking yet carefree voice came from behind him, which prompted him to tense every muscle fiber in his body and stand up. At first, he saw a desolate land filled with miasma, the ground cracked, withered plants, and no sign of life, only the smell of death.

Soma followed the miasma trace until it connected toward the humongous tree that seemed to be getting bigger and leaking more miasma than usual. As usual, the devil who used Soma's appearance sprawled his body in a relaxed manner on top of the enormous root that sprouted above the ground.


"Why? You can't even reply to my greetings, huh. What a cold bastard you are".

"...What do you want?".