Chapter 237 News.

"I see, so it was like that".

Soma and the four guests gather around the room, with heavy tension between the girls. Hina, who still flushed red; Xiao Lian, who seemed short-circuited because of the happening earlier; Serafina, who felt in high spirits; and Hisakow, who couldn't keep her happy expression, watching Soma, who had just been informed about the situation ever since he had lost consciousness.

It seems the teacher reported the disappearance of the dungeon to the Awakeners Association branch on this island and canceled its construction. All because of Soma, who destroyed the dungeon core.

"So, what kind of penalty will I get?".


Hisako was a bit hesitant to explain it. She was sent here by Mr. Ito as a representative who holds a significant influence on her S-rank title. She also comes with Hiroshi, who is currently dealing with the aftermath.