Chapter 248 Trip to Rome.

"Thank you for welcoming us personally, Madam. My name is Lucy, and I came here at the invitation of your daughter, and we were close friends, Hm?!".

As the one who held the seniority from everyone else, Lucy stepped forward and introduced herself. With her beauty and elegance, everyone who witnessed her gasped in shock at how beautiful a person can be.

Her body suddenly jolted when she saw Serafina's mother, who smiled at her. From Lucy's perspective, she saw a black dot that gathered around Madam's left chest. Lucy knows what that is, and she felt it was horrifying for someone who held that much, could survive all this time.

Soma, who didn't miss her slip, observed her with closed eyes, but this was not the time to discuss that here, so he stepped forward and opened his mouth.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Madam. My name is Soma, and Miss Serafina has given us her generosity for inviting us to this wonderful place".