After listening to what the girls had in mind, Soma, with a shrugged shoulder, stopped the topic and switched the topic to the one who posed the question instead.
"What are you guys doing here?".
"The truth is we have been waiting for you".
"For what?".
"Hm?! What's the matter Xiao Lian?".
Soma locked amusedly to Xiao Lian's behaviour, rarely showing her enthusiastic side. He began to listen to her explanation and understand why all of them were waiting for him.
"That was too dangerous".
"Right, Soma also said it was dangerous. We should just end our exploration and go back home".
Serafina cut in line while giving everyone her peace of mind. Hina and Xiao Lian looked sullen, which made her feel a bit guilty, but this couldn't be done recklessly. If they wanted to get stronger, at least they could do it with patience.
"Well, If you want to challenge it. I will supported you guys".
"This brat!".