Chapter 380 Ill Fate.

Never will he forget the face that Soma met for the first time since he arrived in this world. She slightly has a different appearance from usual, but that does not matter. What he was most concerned about was how she could still be alive when Soma was certain he had crushed her skull back then on that bridge. 

Devi, who had a cramped expression on her face, glared at Soma and then to Luxuria on her hand. She sighed helplessly, watching the outcome of one of her peers and also her insurance being beaten to a pulp one-sidedly.

She turned to the boy, and a moment of daze came, then a flash of memories from her body and the experience he received at that time began to flood him. Intense rage began to boil her calm blood, speeding up her heart rate. 

A shockwave of leaked Aura emerged from all over her skin. Her lips spread, showing her white teeth and dilated pupils.