Got into one piece (Hell no)

"F...k, my head," I groan, swearing to never drink so much again. "Where am I? What's going on? Is anyone here?" As I blink my eyes open, the realization slowly dawns on me: I'm in a forest. But the nearest forest to my city is 150 miles away. How the hell did I get here? I know I need to stand up and move. If I remember correctly, wolves inhabit this jungle. Struggling to my feet, I'm struck speechless by an astonishing sight — a huge wooden pirate ship being attacked by a 20-meter-long fish. Panic floods my mind. "No, God, please no," I think, sprinting away from the scene as fast as I can. Venturing deeper into the jungle is too dangerous. "Think, Bill, think!" I urge myself. I need to stop and look around, understand where I am. Suddenly, I hear something ahead of me. Glancing at the source, I see a giant bird holding a newspaper. The bird watches me intently, holding out the newspaper and pointing to the gold in its bag. At that moment, I realize it's the newspaper bird from One Piece, offering newspapers for money. The realization hits me like a ton of bricks — I'm in the One Piece world. "NOOOOO!" I scream internally. "I need to return to my world!" Thoughts of becoming stronger, fighting in Marineford, killing Blackbeard... it all seems like nonsense now. "I need to save my ass." "Okay, Bill, calm down. You need to set up priorities," I tell myself. "First, find a city. Second, figure out where I am. If it's the Grand Line, I might as well dig my own grave. Third, I need money for food, shelter, and the like." I start to move, wandering for hours, but I can't find a city, a village, or even people. "I'm wasting time," I think, my stomach growling in protest. "I need to find something to eat. Hunt? Am I crazy? I've never killed an animal in my life." "Shut up, stomach. I don't have time to think about food," I mutter to myself as darkness begins to fall. "I need to find a place to spend the night." Three days pass in this new world without food or water. I can't even eat the plants; they might be poisonous. The only good news is that I haven't encountered any predators, just monkeys. I tried to catch one that was alone, but I failed miserably. Two more days crawl by. My strength is fading; I'm desperate for water and food. My only chance to survive is to find people, hoping they won't kill me and might take me as a slave. So, I muster what little energy I have left and make a painstakingly slow journey towards the beach. The memory of the giant ship and the sea king looms in my mind, a beacon of both fear and hope. Each step is a struggle, my feet dragging through the underbrush, but the thought of not being alone anymore spurs me on. The trail I had left earlier, a series of broken twigs and footprints, is my lifeline through the dense foliage. The sun beats down mercilessly, and sweat drips into my eyes, but I keep moving, driven by the sheer will to survive. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, the trees begin to thin, and I catch a glimpse of the open sky. The salty tang of the sea fills my nostrils, and I hear the distant sound of waves crashing against the shore. As I step out of the forest and onto the beach, my eyes search desperately for any signs of life. The beach is strewn with debris from the ship, a grim reminder of the battle that must have taken place. In the distance, I see the remains of the ship, partially submerged, its mast broken and sails torn. My heart races as I approach, scanning for any survivors or, worse, any threats. The possibility of encountering pirates or hostile inhabitants of this strange world fills me with a mixture of dread and determination. I need to find allies, or at least some clue to help me understand this place and how to survive in it. As I tread cautiously along the beach, eyes alert for any movement, I can't help but wonder what fate awaits me in this unpredictable world of One Piece. 

The beach is full of broken pieces from a ship. The sea sounds loud and scary, making me think about the dangerous creatures that might be in the water. I walk carefully, aware that danger could be lurking anywhere.

Among the wreckage, I spot something shiny—a sword stuck in the sand. Picking it up, I feel a bit safer, even though it's strange to hold a real sword from the One Piece world. I'm not skilled with swords; after all, I'm just an ordinary guy from the 21st century. But having the sword is better than having nothing at all.

As the sun sets, the sky turns shades of orange and purple. It's beautiful, but I can't really enjoy it. Being outside at night in an unfamiliar place is too frightening.

I need to find somewhere to stay for the night. As I look around the beach and near the forest for a suitable spot, an idea strikes me. I can use wooden pieces from the ship to make a shelter. So, I start working on it. I gather some parts of the sails and wood that I lay on the ground. Finding something similar to wooden sticks, I stick them into the sand and drape the sails over them. Now, I have something resembling a shelter where I can sleep.

Night falls, and I sit in my makeshift shelter with the sword by my side. My mind keeps going back to my home and how everything here is so different. It's hard to sleep; every sound outside makes me jump. The constant annoyance of insects, the worry that there might be snakes around, and the thought that if there are monkeys, there could also be something hunting them. I realize I need some kind of plan to survive. But I'm so exhausted that I eventually fall asleep.

When I wake up the next morning, the reality hits me again—I'm still lost, hungry, and thirsty in this bizarre world. But I know I can't give up.